just to brag. i have a seed cracking!


Well-Known Member
finally after 24 hours in a paper towel a northern lights seed in cracking. now comes the hard part, putting in rockwool and notkilling it. i have not done this successfully ever.any advice.


Junior Creatologist
lol i have that same problem. heres my advice, FUCK ROCKWOOL, lol. put that shit in some dirt, or peatmoss plugs instead. U growin dro or in soil??

Right now i have 3 Blue cheese, 3 twilight, 2 Northern Soul, and 3 Whiteberry seeds crackin, only been 24 hours for me too man. Cool aint it??

good luck brodda ;)


Well-Known Member
lol.this hydro, i have transplanted before from dirt but it a pain in the ass. i goinf for the rockwool!


Well-Known Member
I'm a newby to the whole hydro thing but I have seen many posts and other articles requiring that the rockwool be conditioned by PH 5.5 water for 24 hrs before transplant.

Tap water is normally around PH 7 or so.

There is some crap left over from the production of the rockwool that requires this treatment.

This is some exciting stuff, if I didn't have some backyard bud I would be drooling over some of the pics on this site.:bigjoint:

If you are going hydro check out:



Junior Creatologist
yeh Al B. FAQT is awesome thread. Read it and use it as your bible if thats what your lookin to do.


Well-Known Member
i soaked and and really soakedand also just dipped. grodan says on the package a dip is all that is needed then clarifies not a long soak. i even used lemon juice likethe picture says. We'll see,it cant be this hard if it so popluar


Well-Known Member
These plants can take a lot of abuse and still make it.

The real trick is to make every bit of use that you can out of the money spent on growing and get some big tight bud.

What a great hobby.:bigjoint: