Just thought i'll say The internet as we know it will be gone by 2012


Well-Known Member
The Thread is about the internet

and theres a forum for threads like this.

ITS CALLED FUCKING TOKE N TALK. not newbie central!! if you havent figured out where posts belong after 500+ posts then you need to figure out if you really understand how to use the internet, otherwise its really not going to effect you much if it stays or goes anyways!


Well-Known Member
If you've ever seen pictures of the Orion Nebula (which contains the also famous Horsehead Nebula) you have seen the Milky Way's Dark Rift. It is a mass of interstellar dust and organic material circling the black hole at our galactic center - just like our solar system (only much, much, much further away).

As far as our area of the Milky Way - we are always moving further away from the galactic center (and therefore the Dark Rift) -- so whatever influence it has on us (which is fucking ridiculous to even claim) is waning not waxing.

And the 12,000 year cycle is actually about 25,800 (the 12,000 is what the Mayan's were using which is why this mistake is often made - but they were right and amazingly accurate - they just halved it!) called precession. It is the Earth wobbling on its axis. It is true that the Earth reverses poles but the cause is unknown. and the reversal takes a few thousand years to complete - it's not like you wake up one day with north being south! and what direction is south in outer space?

The Orion Nebula

The Horsehead Nebula...


Well-Known Member
Over the years, stoners always seem to be the first to glom onto these steaming pile 'o shit theories.

As far as end of the world Doomsday shit goes I give the Dark Rift and Dead Internets in 2012 a grade of C-. They don't get a failing grade because the Milky Way pictures of space dust can be cool and Athene's boobs were shown, but the rest of the bullshit is lame. Is this what passes for good conspiracies theories in 2008? Kinda sad. Get original.


Well-Known Member
Over the years, stoners always seem to be the first to glom onto these steaming pile 'o shit theories.

As far as end of the world Doomsday shit goes I give the Dark Rift and Dead Internets in 2012 a grade of C-. They don't get a failing grade because the Milky Way pictures of space dust can be cool and Athene's boobs were shown, but the rest of the bullshit is lame. Is this what passes for good conspiracies theories in 2008? Kinda sad. Get original.
They get a failing grade because a good many of us will be alive to see what really happens :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
They get a failing grade because a good many of us will be alive to see what really happens :bigjoint:
There is that too, lol.

I remember when I first heard that Winona Ryder was arrested for shoplifting - I thought the world was ending too, but guess what? We are still here. The Dark Rift shall pass too.



Well-Known Member
Lol i dont care about 2012 i was trying to get some information about the internet going down which most people need it as it is .


Well-Known Member
i think it is a safe bet the internet will be different by 2012. Not as different as between the late 80s/early 90s and now though... note: this is my opinion and not substantiated by anything other than guessing.


Well-Known Member
i think it is a safe bet the internet will be different by 2012. Not as different as between the late 80s/early 90s and now though... note: this is my opinion and not substantiated by anything other than guessing.

I think I pretty much agree. It will be different but i doubt it will be GONE!! and i doubt the world is gunna come to an end and we're all gunna die in 2012 either.

Y2k+12 phenomenon??


Well-Known Member
Just thought i'll say The internet as we know it will be gone by 2012 .
Virgin ,BT and many of the biggest companys are all ready signed up for this ..
The internet will be like TV only the main stream websites will be posiable to veiw for free .
Any of those sites you go on now will cost extra on the bill

LOL. is that right after or before when pigs fly?

the end of the world is coming! (its the day obama gets elected! OR the Day McCain gets Elected or just some random Thursday)


Well-Known Member
I think I pretty much agree. It will be different but i doubt it will be GONE!! and i doubt the world is gunna come to an end and we're all gunna die in 2012 either.

Y2k+12 phenomenon??
i have mentioned this before but Y2K was a real computer-related glitch. It certainly wasn't going to be as bad as everyone was saying but there would have been some very real problems had the IT community not done anything.

I know this because i am part of that community and believe me - there were many, many long and sleepless nights the fall and especially the winter of 1999.

Oh and mark my words - i am making a prediction - it won't be long before people are ramping up the same bullshit for 2038 - that is when another computer-related date problem will occur. It is caused by UNIX systems (many, many servers run UNIX) ignoring leap seconds. PM me if you want the gory details. But i will bet the same folks that made money from the y2k hysteria (and the current 2012 bs) will be making it prior to the 2038 (AKA Y2K38 )bug! Remember you heard it here!!! Y2K38!!

I am very frustrated with the 2012 stuff because it is a real opportunity to appreciate the true sophistication of the Mayan culture, as well as learning something about our Earth and its place in the cosmos, but instead we turn it into a big load of steamy end-of-the-world/end-of-the-age/doom&gloom crapioca.

but the world keeps turning...


Well-Known Member
i have mentioned this before but Y2K was a real computer-related glitch. It certainly wasn't going to be as bad as everyone was saying but there would have been some very real problems had the IT community not done anything.

I know this because i am part of that community and believe me - there were many, many long and sleepless nights the fall and especially the winter of 1999.

Oh and mark my words - i am making a prediction - it won't be long before people are ramping up the same bullshit for 2038 - that is when another computer-related date problem will occur. It is caused by UNIX systems (many, many servers run UNIX) ignoring leap seconds. PM me if you want the gory details. But i will bet the same folks that made money from the y2k hysteria (and the current 2012 bs) will be making it prior to the 2038 (AKA Y2K38 )bug! Remember you heard it here!!! Y2K38!!

I am very frustrated with the 2012 stuff because it is a real opportunity to appreciate the true sophistication of the Mayan culture, as well as learning something about our Earth and its place in the cosmos, but instead we turn it into a big load of steamy end-of-the-world/end-of-the-age/doom&gloom crapioca.

but the world keeps turning...
Im totally gunna profit off the end of the world.
Im gunna sell y2k12 merch and then Im gunna tell everyone right before new years they better stock up on their MJ or else. all the mmj patients will be a knockin!


Well-Known Member
Im totally gunna profit off the end of the world.
Im gunna sell y2k12 merch and then Im gunna tell everyone right before new years they better stock up on their MJ or else. all the mmj patients will be a knockin!
others will be profiting - why not you? at least you'll be spreading around the herb! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
others will be profiting - why not you? at least you'll be spreading around the herb! :leaf:
my thoughts exactly. I need the money too! :)
Im thinking y2k12 condoms. I mean come on... we all know everyones gunna be fucking cause they think the world will end! :hump::hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
my thoughts exactly. I need the money too! :)
Im thinking y2k12 condoms. I mean come on... we all know everyones gunna be fucking cause they think the world will end! :hump::hump::hump::hump:
they should all have holes poked in them, so maybe the human race survives through breeding.


Well-Known Member
omfgad, da mayanz wur rite!! ta intranetz is goingz to kersplodes en 2012, we'z all doomED!

luckily i haz prepared!