Just switched to flowering and plants wilting/curling


im going to keep posting because theres this little part of me that hopes i can still get some help. im not 100% on what im doing and any help, comments, suggestions, criticism, or just plain meanness is welcomed. i am a noobie and im here to make friends with the same views as myself and to broaden my knowledge on this wonderful medicine.

i took a look through my magnifying glass and i see pistils. i am 100 percent sure they are pure white. its day 13 of flowering and not a sign of balls, i was searching through the forums and i think it may be swollen stipules that i thought were the male sacs. anyway ill keep posting. hopefully someone will take notice and help a fellow grower out.


Well-Known Member
I don't see anything wrong with your plants and certainly I can't see any wilting. Perhaps this is your first time flipping to 12/12 and the after 12 hour darkness droop had you a little worried? Plants droop after the dark period it is normal.

There's a couple things I don't like, not to be mean though.. I don't like your planter I think it is a pain in the ass to learn to water your girls in. I don't like the open bulb lights that you are not trying to focus the light down on the plants better. I think you should consider trying to at least make your own reflector, try DIY reflector I have seen them on here.

Luck bro, if there is a specific thing I am not seeing try reposting a picture that high lights it better. I am new too, I do a lot of research hopefully that was helpful.


thanks alot mejuana. the droop was from the first post in this thread. now its fine im just trying to sex it. its on day 14 of flower and still not many signs. would a male show by now? also a branch broke today. well it bent. i have it propped up and its level, but its starting to droop. will it be ok/.


so there are pistils popping up all along the plant. im excited because i think its a girl and not a hermie. still absolutely no sign of balls. only pistils. ill put pics on once i get a chance


Well-Known Member
That is awesome sorry I didn't reply back to you I was fighting to install a 15K a/c unit in my room the last few days. Glad to here they are girls, this is where it starts getting fun.. White hairs will burst from everywhere soon, the magic is going to start happening now.

They can show balls from being hermie later but it isn't too often. Usually from this point forward it is up to you if they can become hermies, keep the light in check this is the biggest trigger I think.