Just starting...


New Member
Keep us posted. We will help as much as we can. We may have differences of opinion sometimes, but if you stick with us you should be seeing your first crop in a little over 16 weeks.


Active Member
Alright skunks, you must remember...college kids' budget...I cant afford $80!! I looked for both voodoo juice and the sensi grow onine and it looks like I could afford one of the two...which one would be more beneficial...are there other cheaper alternatives to the one I don't end up buying? let me know...also, how much water should I be giving each day?


New Member
Ok. remember you're going to need to buy flowering nutes too. But you've got 8 weeks to save for those.

In veg', I'm going to recommend you use miracle grow nutes. It's called miracle grow all purpose soluble plant food. Really cheap, like rock bottom. Still good though, I use them on a small grow. They have an NPK of 24-8-16. This will enable you to buy the voodoo juice. If you need a pic' of the mg nutes I'll post one tom'.

If you're growing in soil you won't need to water that regularly. Maybe once a week or longer. If I were you I wouldn't bother transplanting, meaning I'd start them in the pots they are going to end up in. So they should be in at least 2 gallon buckets.

NPK is the nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium percentage of the nutes. In veg' stage plants need more nitrogen and potassium. In flower they need more phosphorous. You don't need to worry much about this, as this is the job of the nutrient manafacturers.


Active Member
Perhaps I should've mentioned earlier...I have my plants in a miracle grow soil mixture right now...It's a Potting mix which claims to feed plants up to three months with a 21-7-14 NPK ratio...good, bad, indifferent??? At any rate the little guys are at about 3 inches each...look like little palm trees =)


Active Member
ahh yes...another thing....I wish to keep these plants inside for the rest of their existence...what steps need to be taken in order to allow this??? how tall will they be?? can I manage their height and size and still get good buds? do I want to do that?? any thoughts?


New Member
Perhaps I should've mentioned earlier...I have my plants in a miracle grow soil mixture right now...It's a Potting mix which claims to feed plants up to three months with a 21-7-14 NPK ratio...good, bad, indifferent??? At any rate the little guys are at about 3 inches each...look like little palm trees =)
I've heard about this before. Although I'm not sure exactly how long the nutes already in the soil will last with cannabis. I think widow maker did a grow using this type of soil. He's a mod' on this site, so I'm sure he won't mind if you pm him and ask him about his experiment.

Also voodoo juice is not a nutrient as such. It is a combination of 5 different strains of microbes, although 4 litres will contain up to 200 billion of these microbes'. They colonise the plant's root system helping to break the nutes down so that they become bio-available to the plant straight away. Resulting in accelerated plant and root growth.


New Member
ahh yes...another thing....I wish to keep these plants inside for the rest of their existence...what steps need to be taken in order to allow this??? how tall will they be?? can I manage their height and size and still get good buds? do I want to do that?? any thoughts?
It depends on the strain. If it is a sativa it will grow really tall, maybe up to 12 ft indoors. If an indica it will be short and squat. The indicas are more highly prized by the indoor grower because of this trait. However, there are simple ways of keeping your plants to the size you want. Likewise it will be easy to tell quite early whether the plant follows the sativa or indica strains.


Well-Known Member
Man, my advice. Leave them the miracle grow soil (next time buy Fox Farms) and don't add nutes. You getting a good light, adequate ventilation and spending the time to learn how to water is good enough. The nutes in the soil will last you right up until flowering I would imagine. I am thinking that you are going to keep these small, well here is where things get fun....

If I were you, I would do 2 setups. I always recommend people dedicate a box for flowering. Call it, the flowering box. Ehh hemm..sorry, soil people. Hydro is a whole different story. Sorry stoned...Build the flowering box and use it for your first grow. Put in a 250w or 400w HPS light. 250 is easier to manage the heat from, but if you have a larger space you will definitely want the 400+.

Make sure it has adequate ventilation and odor reducing measures in place. Grow your 5 plants a good size where they can triple in size and not have problems with encroaching on the light. Just think about that while you are letting them veg on the 24/0 light cycle or 16/8 whatever you decide on. When they are ready to flower, take a few clones. (read up on it). Flower the plants, start the veg on your clones and if they flower into wonderful buds continue with your clones. If they come out shitty and give you nothing but headaches throw the shit in the trash. At least you have the possibility of not starting from seeds next time.


Active Member
It depends on the strain. If it is a sativa it will grow really tall, maybe up to 12 ft indoors. If an indica it will be short and squat. The indicas are more highly prized by the indoor grower because of this trait. However, there are simple ways of keeping your plants to the size you want. Likewise it will be easy to tell quite early whether the plant follows the sativa or indica strains.
hmm...fair enough...I dont have the capabilities for a 12 footer...in fact about 4 feet is all I've accomodated for...I was hoping to keep them kind of compact...what to do?


New Member
It's best to wait and see what strain they are.

Worst case scenario, you top the plant. So that it grows wide rather than high.


Active Member
fair enough...we'll cross that bridge when the time comes eh....as for nutes...haven't started any yet...little guys are at about 4-5 inches...with the miracle grow soil do I need additional nutes...the bag claims to "feed plants for 3 months"...what do you think??


New Member
So long as they look healthy all's well. Make sure you ph your water too. In soil you want a ph of 6.5. This is essential or the plants won't be able to take in nutrients as well as they could.

If you're not doing this already it's not as complicated as it sounds. 1st off you'll need to buy some ph down from a garden centre (really cheap), and a ph test kit. You should be able to pick up both for around $15 altogether. They'll last you for years.


New Member
ok...an if the Ph is not good...what then?
The ph will be good because you do it yourself with the ph down. i'd get nitric acid rather than phosphoric as you may not need to use ph down in flower. Especially in soil you'll find that the flowering nutes will be at around the right ph anyway.

You did ph testing with litmus paper at school, right? The colour chart that tells you how acidic or alkaline a liquid is... remember?


Active Member
yes...definately familiar with the PH testing...Just didn't know if there was a special fix particular to the plant...I'll pick up the PH Down with nitric acid and let you all know...


Active Member
alright guys...i think its time for a bit larger pots...how big??? any tips for transplanting...right now i have them in peat pots which claim to allow roots to grow through them when transplanted into larger pots...will this work or should i take them out? also how much water do they need...every time I look I want to give more water...once i get larger buckets...how much water per day...week...whatever each??


New Member
You'll want at least a 2gallon/10litre bucket for each plant. Not too sure about peat pots, but if they are made of peat then the roots should grow through.

With watering in a pot this size you'll need to do it between 5 and 10 days, depending on how much air circulation (fans) you have, and the amount of light you are using.