Just Starting To Grow


Today i ordered some seeds from http://www.seeds4free.com/ & when to my gardening store to get a bag of Jungle Mix & Perlite.
I have one random seed that sprouted & i put it into the jungle & perlite mixture.
Am i doing okay?

Seeds: 1 unknown,5 Buddha's Sister, & 5 OG Kush.
Planning on trying one OG Kush in a topsy turvy.



i have all the soil mixture done & waiting the seeds i ordered . The little plant was outside for 10 hours today & looks fine to me

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Kinda hard to tell but it looks like a 19-6-12 Osmocote. Nothing wrong with the product at all but it is possible to burn if not used correctly. I've used it on several outdoor grows as it minimizes the number of trips for feeding. Depending on how fertile the existing native soil is you can get away with using as little as 1/4 of the suggested label rates and still have excellent results. Incorporate into the soil thoroughly and the fertilizer will be released VERY slowly due to the patented coating on each prill. Good luck!