just started to flower placed in netting...is this right?

Lee Iatoker

Just placed plants on 12/12 cycle...now i placed a rail and netting inside. earlier i topped plants once before netting was in place(back when they were about half their size now)...is it too late to top now that i started to flower? should i place a second screen of netting up and make it the canopy top? or just let it be?
pre flower 006.jpgpre flower 001.jpgpre flower 003.jpgpre flower 003.jpgpre flower 004.jpg
pre flower 006.jpggirls pre-flower.jpg


Well-Known Member
Not sure what you are trying to do there.

Are you trying to SCROG?

If that is the case then you should really have vegged them through the screen (usually like a metal wire rack) and then train them through it by bending them under and back up etc until you have completely covered the wire screen.

Just my take on it but i think thats how it should have been done. I dont know what you are trying so please enlighten me.



Well-Known Member
thoose holes are a bit big mate, you need to start bending them under,,,,you aint going to have much room for all them when they kick of, by the looks of it...

Lee Iatoker

that was the plan....right now i just want to be sure that they will be able to support their own weight without having to buy a bunch of bamboo. also i wanted to keep them on the smaller size.


Well-Known Member
If you are trying to SCROG then you should place a metal or plastic wire rack over the top.

Then as the plants grow through them you twist them back under another square of the wire rack until they pop back up and then twist them back under until you have the whole screen covered with the branches of the plants.

Then as the plant flowers you get cola growth from what would have just been small under growth if left alone.



Well-Known Member
Your grow should be just fine without a SCROG.
But you could just pull the plants below the net when they pass it, and they will during the first 3-4 weeks of flowering.

You don't need to weave them through the net, but you can.

Lee Iatoker

i'll try that and post results. so basically just keep them under the net then? so like just make sure to pull them under as soon as they past netting?


Well-Known Member
when they get too high - bend them below the screen.
thats it.
they can wait a week and bend 'em then.

the point is getting the light as low as possible and keep everything at the minimum distance from the light.
the screen is there to help you manage an even canopy to allow all the buds to be at the minimal distance from the light.