Just some helpful insight from some vets here

I also have a question about supercropping? Is this better then topping? I have only a little bit of room from the plants to the lights?? when should I do this??
Now the master question...I am thinking of SOG...30 plants per light..only colas..1.5 gallon pots...please chime in..training is weighing heavy on my mind but the amount of plants wont allow it..i might just go with tops and cut down everything else
Update - middle of week 2 veg - great growth daily...added a second wall fan and moved the standing fan pointing towards both grows although it really only hits the closest..added liquid karma and some cal mag to the mix..if anyone is interested ill post what im giving it twice daily..seems to be working well..lowered the lights via a retracting setup so i can raise and lower it easily..transplanted the last 7 that i had growing in 1" pots into the 1.5 gallon ones20130509_193547.jpg20130509_193555.jpg20130509_193602.jpg20130509_193605.jpg20130509_193617.jpg20130509_193620.jpg20130509_193625.jpg20130509_193632.jpg20130509_193656.jpg20130509_193731.jpg20130509_193754.jpg
im thinking with my amount of plants to go with a light mover on one of my 600s..that way i can spread them out a little better..would like some feedback..sill have a few more days to decide on sog or not ..did i make a mistake going with 1.5 gallon pots if i do a sog? my ceiling is about 5ft from the ground so my height is a big factor..have about 33 plants per light
Tough crowd here...lol. Sorry for the long pause...had a long week. Here are some pics of my temp veg room with my soon to be moms..will post pics tonight after the light rail is installed and the lights come on. 20130517_193320.jpg20130517_193324.jpg20130517_193327.jpg20130517_193350.jpg20130517_193402.jpg20130517_193454.jpg20130517_193519.jpg


Well-Known Member
im thinking with my amount of plants to go with a light mover on one of my 600s..that way i can spread them out a little better..would like some feedback..sill have a few more days to decide on sog or not ..did i make a mistake going with 1.5 gallon pots if i do a sog? my ceiling is about 5ft from the ground so my height is a big factor..have about 33 plants per light
I think if you're limited to 5', and wanting to do that many plants per light, a cut off 2 liter soda bottle would do you better, and you could probably keep them down to 3-3 1/2 feet tall, giving you some playing room with your light.
Check out Moebius in World of hempy.
He does some real cool shit with small containers.
I think if you're limited to 5', and wanting to do that many plants per light, a cut off 2 liter soda bottle would do you better, and you could probably keep them down to 3-3 1/2 feet tall, giving you some playing room with your light.
Check out Moebius in World of hempy.
He does some real cool shit with small containers.
You have a very good idea however I dont know where to get that many empty soda bottles j/k j/k..lol.

Do you know of any pots that might work instead? I have read high and low that 1gal is the norm for sog

reading woh right now..thx brother


Well-Known Member
ehhhh bro... no need 24hr of lite. you might wanna at least give the bulb time to cooldown. not too much of a diff between 18/6 and 24/0 in fact through my experience after doing research it helps the plants more to get some darkness. Also saves ur bulb and keeps ur bulb potent and also changes the times of stuff;) remember fungus strives in darkness. but remember ur bulb. as it stays hot it will degrade faster then when u let ur car ;) rest on long trips.

also more wind.... ummm I would help you out more but im baked and u havent asked too many questions...

also uhhhh im not foreign and im not am american asshole. ;)

if u correct my spelling im gonna tell you ro suck my nuts.


Well-Known Member
you might be pushing your limits with the amount of plants you have there vs the experience you have growing indoors. i moved from outdoors growing for 5 years to indoors this year and my grow space is tiny now, maybe 1/3rd of yours, i wouldnt want to try to grow as many as you have there.

what is your yield goal? there might be better options to reach your goal with less plants.


Well-Known Member
Soil is 6.5-6.9 you wanna aim for that so anything else will be forgiven by nature.

soiless is 6.0-6.4.... These two im not too sure... make sure to uhh do some research on what im saying... dont take my word but study the subject im directing you to.

and uhhh remember P grows roots, bigger roots less watering, less watering less overfeeding. but means less room for forgiveness when PH lvls vary.

Also first couple weeks More P until you step N up then less P and more N, then 2weeks before flowering add more P with more N and slowly raise S. Keep PH levels right and make sure to flush salts out because that causes multi nutrient nute lock out.

Also dont let me tell you what to do, just remember how a plant grows, roots, leaves, then after its all nice and comfy flower it out and remember the leaves provide food for it, your just providing so it can be comfy basically.... uhhhh remember foxfarm solubles have 3 stages... study the times when used and the nutrients in them. Also micro nutrients...

Good ones are dyna grow silicon(really only good if you have strong wind otherwise its just good stuff)...

Also Calcium magnesium....

And dont forget checking nutrient def charts according to your plant.

also study dehydrated leave with low humidity, also study high humidity those two are very important indoor.

ALso bugs are really bad try to kill them all before you start flowering so that if you fail at aiming for the bugs and get the plant you have more time for forgiveness as once you start flowering as you know it will die if you f up...

Indoor is like hardcore outdoor, and outdoor is like hardcore indoor ;)
ehhhh bro... no need 24hr of lite. you might wanna at least give the bulb time to cooldown. not too much of a diff between 18/6 and 24/0 in fact through my experience after doing research it helps the plants more to get some darkness. Also saves ur bulb and keeps ur bulb potent and also changes the times of stuff;) remember fungus strives in darkness. but remember ur bulb. as it stays hot it will degrade faster then when u let ur car ;) rest on long trips.

also more wind.... ummm I would help you out more but im baked and u havent asked too many questions...

also uhhhh im not foreign and im not am american asshole. ;)

if u correct my spelling im gonna tell you ro suck my nuts.
Thx for the info Marlboro..i switched to 18/6 on my 600's but also got a veg room now for moms...this is a 4 bulb flor with both light ranges..works good for veg imo but nothing else..gonna reply to thread and then upload some updated pics...also in flower at this time :)
you might be pushing your limits with the amount of plants you have there vs the experience you have growing indoors. i moved from outdoors growing for 5 years to indoors this year and my grow space is tiny now, maybe 1/3rd of yours, i wouldnt want to try to grow as many as you have there.

what is your yield goal? there might be better options to reach your goal with less plants.

very appreciate the freedback Galvatron..it is a learning experience however I do provide proper care to the best of my ability...and it seems the plants enjoy my care also so far(pics to follow). My goal would be at min 1pnd per light however more would be awesome..I have since installed a light mover and added more lights under that one and less on the stationary(25 plants) also started my 3 part series of General Hydro flora as im rounding the 3rd week..started with half strength
Soil is 6.5-6.9 you wanna aim for that so anything else will be forgiven by nature.

soiless is 6.0-6.4.... These two im not too sure... make sure to uhh do some research on what im saying... dont take my word but study the subject im directing you to.

and uhhh remember P grows roots, bigger roots less watering, less watering less overfeeding. but means less room for forgiveness when PH lvls vary.

Also first couple weeks More P until you step N up then less P and more N, then 2weeks before flowering add more P with more N and slowly raise S. Keep PH levels right and make sure to flush salts out because that causes multi nutrient nute lock out.

Also dont let me tell you what to do, just remember how a plant grows, roots, leaves, then after its all nice and comfy flower it out and remember the leaves provide food for it, your just providing so it can be comfy basically.... uhhhh remember foxfarm solubles have 3 stages... study the times when used and the nutrients in them. Also micro nutrients...

Good ones are dyna grow silicon(really only good if you have strong wind otherwise its just good stuff)...

Also Calcium magnesium....

And dont forget checking nutrient def charts according to your plant.

also study dehydrated leave with low humidity, also study high humidity those two are very important indoor.

ALso bugs are really bad try to kill them all before you start flowering so that if you fail at aiming for the bugs and get the plant you have more time for forgiveness as once you start flowering as you know it will die if you f up...

Indoor is like hardcore outdoor, and outdoor is like hardcore indoor ;)

lots of info Marlboro..really appreciate it brotha...adding lots of micro nutes..will post a pic of my mixture as of today (fed/watered last night)

have some gnats but thats all.. any info on hot shot no pest strips???
sorry for the absence..will post some updated pics tonight or tomorrow...day 1 into week three of flower and theyre looking great :)
sorry for the absence..will post some updated pics tonight or tomorrow...day 1 into week three of flower and theyre looking great :)
Took a couple more days then expected. Please see pics. On a couple of the plants I think I over nuted them or overwatered. Either or theyre still doing great I just let the soil dry out a little bit and lowered my nute amount. 20130531_222216.jpg20130531_222223.jpg20130531_222308.jpg20130531_222328.jpg20130531_222346.jpg20130531_222404.jpg20130531_222421.jpg20130531_222427.jpg20130531_222439.jpg20130531_222448.jpg20130531_222529.jpg20130531_222545.jpg20130531_222557.jpg20130531_222610.jpg