Just some FYI for the newbie growers..


Well-Known Member
just a little advice on various topics about growing for you new growers. Don't worry, and don't let people give you a hard time just because your a "newbie" to growing.

We all start out as newbies.. its all good.

Germinating your seeds

When germinating your seeds which is the first step in any mj grow... there are many different methods to use for germination.

I personally use the simple method.. this method involves only a few things. Your seeds; a towel (cloth or paper); and a nice dark place to put the seeds; and water.

When using this method, all you need to do is grab a paper or cloth towel (i prefer cloth). Take your towel, and get it wet. If you over soak the towel, just ring it out to get it to a just damp feeling. Lay the towel down on a table, grab your seeds
and just spread them down onto your damp towel.
Once you have your seeds laid down onto your damp towel, fold the towel a few times.. this way to keep as much moisture in the towel fibers as possible.
Now, simply find a place (cupboard; closet; desk drawer...etc.) to place your towel. Make sure its dark (my preference) and simply leave the towel there over night.
Be sure to check your towel at least once a day to make sure the towel stays damp. Make sure you dont get your towel too wet as it could lead to root rot. Also, each day when you check the moisture of your towel, unfold it and check your seeds to see if any roots have broken free from your seeds.
Once a seed breaks open.. you will see a white looking tail like thing.. thats your tap-root coming out. Now, you can go ahead and move your sprouted seeds into your grow medium then, or you can wait another day.. or two for the tap-root to get a little longer.. which is what I do, then move the open seed(S) into your medium.
That's all there is to germinating seeds.

Planting The Seeds

Once you have a seed that has finished germination.. and has a good solid tap-root showing.. it's time to move your seed(S) into your medium (Soil). When planting your seed(S) into your soil, before putting the seed in, take a pencil or pen.. and make a hole in the soil.. about a .25 of an inch down.
Once the hole is ready, grab your seed (making sure your fingers do not touch the tap-root sticking out of the shell) and gently drop your seed into the hole, but make sure that the tap root is not facing upwards.. always make sure that the tap-root of your new seed(S) is facing downwards. Hence, the "tap-root" that comes out during your germination process.. will eventually be a huge network of roots.

Now that we have gone this far, lets continue shall we? K well, here we go.

Alright, so we now have germinated our seeds and planted them into our soil.
What do we do now?

What comes next.. is easier than it sounds. What you do next, now that your new germinated seeds are in the soil... is putting your planted seeds under lighting.
(I use cfl lighting.. less heat and WAY cheaper to operate). Once your seeds are under your lights, you need to put your lights to a schedule of 24/0 or 18/6.

24lights on/ 0 hrs of dark (for vegging cycle only)
or you can use the 18/6 schedule for your vegging cycle.
I personally use 18/6.

Next, after you have seeds planted, and under your lights... we start the vegetation cycle. This cycle can be any where from 1week - 6weeks or more. This cycle is controlled by you.. the grower. But remember.. the shorter time you let the veg cycle continue.. the smaller your plant will be.. and less yield you will get once harvest time comes.
The more you let your seeds/plants stay in the veg cycle... the taller your plant will be.. and you'll get a much bigger yield in the end of the grow.

**notice** you can skip the veg cycle.. and go straight into the 12/12 flowering cycle.. but I wont go into that right now**

Now, lets say we have had our plant(S) growing under the veg cycle for.. 4 weeks. You're happy with the height your plant is at.. and your ready for the next step in your grow.

The next step after vegetation cycle.. is the flowering cycle. Or as some people refer to as the 12/12 cycle. Simply because once you switch your plant to the flowering cycle.. you will want to reset your lights to a 12/12 schedule.
12hrs ON; 12hrs OFF. This will trigger the plant to think that fall is coming.. and will tell the plant that it's time to start flowering.

Now, once you change your lights over to the flowering stage (12/12).... it will take a good week or two to tell if your plant is male/female. Of course.. you want female plants only. (you can still find uses for male plants.. but i wont talk about this right now) Female plants.. are the ones that produce flowers..and eventually buds. Your male plants.. and yes you will come across some during your grows... you won't have flowers develop.. you'll have balls develop. These balls on the male plants contain pollen.. once these "balls" of pollen mature.. and pop open.. they will pollinate any other mj plants in the room. Once you see signs of a male plant growing in your grow... pull it and kill it.

Now, if you have a female.. you'll be able to tell if it's female because usually after the second week of being in the flowering cycle... you will start to see pre-flowers develop. These look like little round pods.. (almost like the male looks) only.. with female plants.. the pods will have white hairs protruding out of the tips. These are preflowers.. which will eventually be buds by harvest time.

Now, generally speaking... during your flowering/budding cycle... It takes between 5-12 weeks for the female plant to fully mature and be ready for harvest. The reason I say 5 to 12 weeks of the flowering cycle... is because the flowering time varies between different strains of marijuana.

Written By: Ganjaluvr - "Ya dig?"

I hope this helped some of the new people here... if you have any further questions.. just ask. Someone will help you out. If you can't seem to get an answer.. your free to msg me on here.. with your question and I will help you to my full ability.

Thanks everyone.. especially the ones that took the time to read this. Hope it helped someone out.. even if its just a little bit. It still counts. Ya dig?


RIU.Org - "Simply the friendliest; most helpful; and the best MJ Forums on the Internet. Period.":peace::mrgreen::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
This info is already posted my friend. Plus I'm not sure if anyone on RIU gives newbies a hard time. Its pretty friendly.


Well-Known Member
uhm yea man. I wasn't saying that anyone here does..

but I have seen it on here. but thanks

for you input.

take care... :)


i have a seedling stuck in the shell, i wrapped her pot in saran rap and turned the exhaust fan off.

in side my box i have 81 degree temps and 60 percent humidity, i was up to 80 percent during the day.

how long til she sheds out?


Well-Known Member
i have a seedling stuck in the shell, i wrapped her pot in saran rap and turned the exhaust fan off.

in side my box i have 81 degree temps and 60 percent humidity, i was up to 80 percent during the day.

how long til she sheds out?
You mean.. the seedling has cracked open.. but the shell is stuck on the plant itself? If so, just leave it. It'll be alright and eventually fall off. Won't hurt your plant at all. No big deal.


are your saying that... your seed(s) are not sprouting a tap-root yet? How long have you had them in germination? Are you trying to get the seeds to germinate in soil? Or???

I mean it could just be that.. the seed or seeds your trying to germinate, could be that those seeds or seed is just a late bloomer.

Here's a little tip for you bro.
Before planting any of your seeds.. you need to check the seeds. Two things I do before I plant any seeds.. is number one I will check the color of the seed. You want the darker colored ones. The white ones are no good. The darker the seed the better (generally).
Also, the other thing I check.. to make sure the seed is a good seed.. I do this by putting the seed between my index finger and thumb.. and gently applying pressure to the seed. If the seed crushes or cracks when you squeeze it, throw it out. It's no good bro. Now, as for the dark colored seeds that don't crack or crush between my two fingers... those are the good ones. Those are the ones that you want.

Let me know if you understand what I mean.. and if you need any further help just ask.

Good luck & Happy Growing to ya`s!



You mean.. the seedling has cracked open.. but the shell is stuck on the plant itself? If so, just leave it. It'll be alright and eventually fall off. Won't hurt your plant at all. No big deal.


are your saying that... your seed(s) are not sprouting a tap-root yet? How long have you had them in germination? Are you trying to get the seeds to germinate in soil? Or???

I mean it could just be that.. the seed or seeds your trying to germinate, could be that those seeds or seed is just a late bloomer.

Here's a little tip for you bro.
Before planting any of your seeds.. you need to check the seeds. Two things I do before I plant any seeds.. is number one I will check the color of the seed. You want the darker colored ones. The white ones are no good. The darker the seed the better (generally).
Also, the other thing I check.. to make sure the seed is a good seed.. I do this by putting the seed between my index finger and thumb.. and gently applying pressure to the seed. If the seed crushes or cracks when you squeeze it, throw it out. It's no good bro. Now, as for the dark colored seeds that don't crack or crush between my two fingers... those are the good ones. Those are the ones that you want.

Let me know if you understand what I mean.. and if you need any further help just ask.

Good luck & Happy Growing to ya`s!


answer A, haha it has sprouted and the seed is above the soil, how long until the leaves develop and shed the shell?

it is 4 days old


Well-Known Member
answer A, haha it has sprouted and the seed is above the soil, how long until the leaves develop and shed the shell?

it is 4 days old

eh I can't really determine exactly how long it will be.. I mean i can't say "hey, yea your first set of true leaves will develop on Monday"... or anything like that.

Depends on the strain.. each is different buddy. Generally speaking however; I can say this... Most plants take a good solid 7 days.. before the first true set of leafs start to appear and develop.

Once your true first set of leafs appear.. if the shell from the seed is still trying to hang onto the plant? It's alright.. you can wait for it to come off on its own.. or.. if you have a set of tweezers? You could use those to gently remove the seeds shell from the plant. Won't hurt the plant at all.. as it doesn't need the seeds shell for anything any longer at this stage.

Hope this helped.

peace and good luck man.



i got a clone almost ready to harvest how long shud iflush im growing in soil n i heard u can use molasses to flush
i got a clone almost ready to harvest how long shud iflush im growing in soil n i heard u can use molasses to flush
Many sites that sell seed have videos and tips on planting seeds and they say the seed should be sown in the soil with the tap root pointing up. It is supposed to be natural for the tap root to start upward then curl down into the soil. If you put the seed in the ground tap root down, it will waste lots of energy growing upward and then turn down again. Here's a little tip from the Amsterdam Seed Co.

God that thumbnail looks like crap when you try to view it. Anyway, the seed on the top is positioned properly according to the seed sites. The one on the bottom actually grows upward then turns down.