Just seperated the plants... but..


Active Member
Ok, I just separated my plants into their own pot but i exposed the roots. They had dirt around them and they were a lot smaller than what I figured them to be but whatever, they're in their own pots now.. the question I have is... My second plant seems to be dead? always slouching n shit, it's smaller, the leaves are i think burnt and curled up, but it keeps growing.. it's like a retarded plant or something but anyways, I think I need 2 bulbs? and is it okay that the roots were exposed?


Pullin' weeds

Well-Known Member
cover up that white part laying there with soil. It's OK they were exposed, just be gentle with them...

Mist them a couple of times a day and it'll probably pull through


Well-Known Member
yes, mist them, but not under lights that will burn them. Go to walmart and get a 150w fluorescent bulb, that would be better. Light is great.


Active Member
dude you need way more light...i would suggest atleast 3 more CFL's, but youll need more when they get bigger.

look at it, it's stretching like mad to get to the light


Well-Known Member
so I should put it uner that bulb instead of my daylight cfl? im now confused lol

You should get atleast 3. The rule of thumb is 100w per plant, but with three it should thrive. You can use the bulb you're using, just buy 2 150w CFL's and you will be set ^_^


Well-Known Member
its always a good idea to get more lighting, u can really never have enough when using CFL's, get atleast one more, but a few more would be optimum... try to get some white paint or some reflective material for those walls... that light is escaping everywhere... u could also add more soil to those pots, fill em up to the brim so that spindly plant isn't exposed everywhere... toss a computer/oscilating fan in the grow space to fatten up them stems.. i dont see the plant really burning, just looks stretched, but if u fix it soon, things will improve.. quickly

cheers and good luck