Just saying hello everyone :)


hi, live in the stanwood/camano area, have been a patient for almost 6 years now, am disabled & on disability (serious lower back accident, May 94, still ambulatory, just no hills or long distances, stairs suck too lol)

I basically know no one here although I've lived here 6 years now (don't get out a lot lol), am hoping to 'meet' other patients here, learn more & just have a little medical marijuana fellowship :lol:

I'm incredibly grateful for medical marijuana & hope to eventually get a less aromatic strain (clone,) I've got 1 larger hog/hawg & a baby or two going (limited $ resources at present, should improve a bit soon, I hope)

Anyways, hello everyone, great to know there's so many of us here in WA & hope all is well with you & yours! :lol:

Annieji aka Annette :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Hi Annie! If you are wanting a less aromatic strain I suggest looking into SAGE by THseeds. It is a great producer and very easy to grow. It has very little smell. Moderate THC levels. Perfect daytime hybrid. Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Good to see you here on RIU. Lots of good reading and everything you will ever want to know about home grown.


wow, thank you both so much! It's nice to 'meet' a couple home growing patients :)
Just found out the low-income place I applied to for an apt has also become 'nonsmoking' - so will start looking for some kinda place I can afford that I can smoke in at least - I think I'd rather live in a dump than the most beautiful place if I can't smoke - takes so much more for edibles, although I do like them very much, kinda like long-acting medicine & the effects are a lot more level/even - still I love to smoke :)
I still have concerns about trying to grow in an apt - so don't know what I'll end up doing - this hypocritical crap our govenor just signed (think it goes into effect today) is going to hurt a great many of us I think, I truly feel for those in this state who live in areas hostile to medical marijuana - such as Yakima (sheriff there announced a couple years after the mm law went into effect "we have no medical marijuana law in WA" - that was just before I got my 1st recommendation - the nurse at THCF said they were definitely informing him there is/was but now they can do anything they want in those places - I hope this area doesn't follow suit :(
When will they learn that all prohibition causes is crime & harm to the most undeserving? I'll never understand the world I live in, I sure wish things would change for the better - it's hard enough to be sick or crippled & poor to boot - they should be ashamed (I hate false morality)

Thank you again for replying, feel like the Lone Stranger here lol


Active Member
Annie, imho the version of 5073 that passed doesn't hurt or help the average patient growing for personal use. Dispensaries/co-ops are the ones mostly affected. Also, I have lived many places that were "non smoking" and smoked pot. Cigarette smoke is much different from pot smoke. I don't recommend growing in an apartment. Too big of a security risk. Try to find a good caregiver who has at least a few different strains available at all times. That way you don't have to pay dispensary prices for your medicine or take the risk of growing yourself in an apartment.


Well-Known Member
Hi Annieji:-)

I'm down in the South Sound area, growing for a couple of years now. Bad back, TMJ, bone spurs...you know, the whole 'getting old' thing. Since I'm terrified of getting addicted to opiates, it's the herb and OTC painkillers for me...

Anyway, have you thought about a vaporizer? Good ones are kinda expensive, but cheaper than moving...and better for you than smoking.

Low odor strain? https://www.rollitup.org/smoke-reports/446038-smoke-report-jackberry-sannies.html

If you're interested in getting Jackberry, send me a PM.:weed:



Thanks so much again, everyone! Feroce, you're very fortunate you can get by w/o the opiates - I'm not so lucky :(
I am fortunate that I've been able to stay at a low-dose of my opiate since I went on them in Jan. of 2000 - without them, I can't even stand to sit, much less stand or walk or anything like that (when I've been off them, I end up having to lay flat ((no pillow - can't read, watch tv or anything much lying like that)))
I don't blame you for your opiate addiction concern, but by the time my lower back got that bad, I didn't care anymore......what I read & found to be true with myself is that there are very very few addicts in the group of patients that are opiate pain management patients - being addicted is quite different from physical dependence (won't try to elaborate but you won't see us out trying to buy drugs on the street if for whatever reason we do not have our medication.) If you are able to manage without them, all the more power to you, I sure wish I was in that category! :(
I am grateful for them because without them, I'd wish for someone to just put me out of my misery - I like being able to sit & stand & walk a little (not far & don't do well with hills or stairs anymore.) Medical marijuana has helped me emmensely with chronic spasm (which is pretty darn painful) & has seemed to help with sciatica, as well - I do take a 10 mg flexeril every night before sleeping but during the day, I have no wish to be so drowsy or downright snoozing - not very practical!

I can relate to the "getting old" thing, myself :)
Each year, my back slowly but steadily gets a little worse - I can't even think about what it'll be like in 20 more years if I live that long (I'm 51, will be 52 this Nov.)

I did have a vaporizer at one time, when I finally left my ex-partner a couple years ago (anger/verbal abuse problems,) he told me several times he had packed it for me but he was full of baloney lol - it wasn't anything as grand as the 'Volcano' but worked well; was purchased for $100 in the University district (he grew up in Seattle & had family there, so would occasionally be in the area.) It was digital and all glass/ceramic, a pretty good buy, I felt at the time :)

I've been disabled since Nov. of 1999; I used to hand pack golden delicious apples & pears in eastern WA (where I grew up, Yakima area, you couldn't pay me enough to live there now, lol)
2/3rds of my disability is actual SSDI, the other 1/3 is SSI (supplemental security income) & I've temporarily lost that due to a real jerk-off of a SSI worker in Bellvue (spent a couple/few months at my son's old place in Bothell this summer, which was really great for me, did me a lot of good - I'm not very happy where I'm living right now - I live in a mother-in-law cottage/office w/o hot water, my landlord lives next door in a much bigger home, so have to go over there for showers/dishes/laundry; only problem, his room mate is a heroin addict in early recovery that for whatever reason is extremely hostile to me (she's this way with most others, too, so at least I'm not alone in that - I've never did anything negative to her, landlord says it's just her nature - her husband & son are both in prison & frankly, she's not the kind of folk(s) I wish to associate myself with, anyways (wouldn't trust her as far as I can throw her & that's not far lol)

So I wait for a statement on the rental amount for the house in Bothell from the owners so I can successfully appeal ($244 a month, makes a huge difference as to survival) & I'm also really worried about whether or not I'll even receive my SSDI on the 3rd of next month (scary watching the national news.)

I really don't know much of anyone, here in western WA - when I was still with the partner, every month I'd drive down to the Wormhole in South Park until they went to evening hours (no way I'd try that in wintertime - by that time of day, driving is the last thing I want to do, anyways)

Thank you so much for your kind reply, expect a PM if I can figure it out lol - and pray my $448 (minus $2 for my Medicare D plan) is there on the 3rd of August - it scares me a lot & I'm seriously wanting to move ASAP! I truly love my doctor here & after a lot of really bad ones (especially in eastern WA,) I'd hate to give her up. Absolutely terrified of any more bad doctors! This life is hard enough without that!

Be careful w/the OTC painkillers - a lot of them can really damage your liver if you take them regularly! I used to take a lot of ibuprophen but now only take the occasional asprin if I'm really in a bad way now (degenerative disc/herniation along with bone problems from L5 down to my upwardly crushed coccyx), did a bananna peel slip off a top step, went up in the air, & landed just slightly off-center on a concrete deck about 4.5' below - never got an MRI like I should've but didn't know any better at the time. Within 5 years of that accident (which happened in May of 1994,) I was in very serious pain (could only sleep 2 hours at a time) & noticed instead of getting stronger when I walked, my legs got weaker (& the pain levels became extreme from my waist on down.) Slow but steadily worse each year (sigh) Finally finding out what was wrong inside (had to demand an MRI,) I adjusted my activities (quit trying to be the active "normal" me I was before the accident) & that of course helped, as well.

Thank you again for your reply! As much as I love Hog/Hawg, it's just way too skunky (even with a killer charcoal air cleaner filter thing)

Peace & Blessings :)


Active Member
When will they learn that all prohibition causes is crime & harm to the most undeserving?

they should be ashamed (I hate false morality)

feel like the Lone Stranger here lol
1) Hopefully, soon ... but they have to pull their heads out of their asses first!

2) I couldn't agree more!

3) Nah, you are with friends here :)



1) Hopefully, soon ... but they have to pull their heads out of their asses first!

2) I couldn't agree more!

3) Nah, you are with friends here :)
Ah man it's good to have stoner friends :)
I miss that a lot :)
(would settle for a few nonstoner friends if they weren't whacked out like my "neighbor" lol - generally run like hell from those who even remotely resemble her lol)

Boy that's gonna make a HUGE! ASS! POP! when those heads finally exit the assholes they're firmly entrenched in, heeheee :D
Liable to blow out a few eardrums, maybe lol :)

thanks so much for your post & hello :)



Thank you also for your post, jesus of Cannabis :)

It's good to feel "at home amongst friends" :)

Just an old hippie born 10 years too late lol :D


I got back up here from Bothell on the 8th of this month, & after the last trip bringing up my instruments, sent my old provider a text message - was more than a little shocked to receive this reply;

"Sorry, Im out and will not be able to help you now or later. Hope you kept your hog alive, mine is gone. I don't sell. Take care."

Now the last time I saw him when he brought me this hog clone (I knew he was getting rid of it because of the odor - he'd been growing Strawberry for at least a year & that's what I'd get from him), I asked him how he was doing - he had one other patient he was providing for - but he's been out of work for several years & when I couldn't buy an ounce every month, I know he was unhappy (although he gave me this song & dance he was simply trying to "help" people like myself lol) - not sure what happened but not too bummed out, he was a good $20 above the avg oz price, anyways (not my fault he liked driving a big gas hog truck lol) - maybe he got a "real" job? I think he felt he wasn't earning enough $ off of me & the other poor crippled slob he had - he made comments that had me thinking he was looking to make a good profit selling to the nearest dispensary but of course, with this new govenor decree, maybe he was too paranoid or they just didn't need his stuff? He'd made a comment to the effect that because he hadn't seen any "strawberry" locally, he was hoping for a steady larger amount of $ (from a local dispensary - mentioned they were using a method like his, same lights, nutrients, etc etc)

Need to get off my duff & write this place up in Mount Vernon & see if they're still in biz and/or accepting patients - hard to tell since this new thing got signed (SIGH)
But they were at least $50 an oz cheaper ($10 more to mix & match) - he said the extra $ he charged was for growing "lessons" but I think it was to keep that big ass truck of his full of gas (especially since it went up to almost $4 a gallon lol)

Kinda funny, I always was prepared when we'd meet (had exact correct funds & always had my paperwork in order, no hassles on my end that I knew of, always discreet etc)

Oh what a funny world with such funny people! Guess you can never tell eh :)
(another good reason to stop this ridiculous prohibition - I knew in my early teens they'd never be able to stop us from using/enjoying this helpful healthy plant - that in numbers we were strong & would only continue to win more & more users - I've seen more than a few people drink theirselves to death & yet they still wanna push the "Killer Weed" mentality)

Will see what's going on north of me asap - even if I can't afford to buy as much as a twig, I'm curious to see what's happening there (ie Terra-Canna; http://www.skagitcountymountvernonmedicalmarijuanadispensariestopicals.com/ )


HELLO and welcome to riu. I'm also a ww mmj user. I am in the everett area and read your post sounds good. anyway I tried the hog strain you said you are growing and it is the best weed I have ever smoked and It was such an amazing high, but since the first time i bought it I cant find it anywhere.do you know where I could get some cuttings here in ww? or even snohomish county anyway can surely drive as far as seattle and would like to be back in HOG HEAVEN asap so let me know thanks


Absolutely! I'd be glad to give you some cuttings for clones (it really is great medicine & I know from personal experience w/my old provider ((where I got this one)), it's an excellent strain, just skunky as the dickens lol) I'll send you a PM ok?

Thanks for the hello!


So sorry for my 'disappearance'; have had a bout with insomnia which kicked up my IBS pretty badly for the first time in years! Am feeling better now! Hope all's well with everyone!

Aaron, check your email & PMs, ok?
Tried to write you back, Feroce & explain where I've been but it was kicked back as spam! lol :)

Hope all's well with everyone, so sorry I wasn't able to get back to you as quickly as I'd planned! Let's try 'er again, eh?


Hoping to hear from you both soon!
Annieji :)


So here I finally am in my 62 or older or disabled of any age apt here in the Burlington/Mount Vernon, WA area!

So will re-read this thread, one thing that definitely hasn't changed is I need to grow for myself, I can't afford to donate & besides, the growing is good for my head & spirit! ;-)

So! Will unpack a few more boxes & in between, start re-reading this thread - I had 5 seeds of Sannie's F3 Jackberry & one popped but I stuck it in a cup, covered it lightly, & put it under my small veg light - & it croaked! :wall:
I was thinking the light & warmth would encourage it but not be as powerful as say, my T5 set but in retrospect, I wish I'd just let it get out of the soil & get some leaves going, first (but who knows? different strains etc, still it bums me out)

Okeedoke, I'll be poofy but reread this thread - I wish I could somehow score a clone of Jackberry!

newly moved Annieji in NWestern WA :leaf: