Just Raccoons

So @DarkWeb I watched 2 raccoons climb out of my brush pile and then proceed to each climb a separate tree. These trees are Trees of Life and are infested with Lanternflies. 2 questions…
1. Are they eating the lanternflies or licking the sugary sap or what?
2. I walked up to observe them and the one stopped and intently stared at me and wagged it's tail back and forth nonstop. Was that a warning or what?

So @DarkWeb I watched 2 raccoons climb out of my brush pile and then proceed to each climb a separate tree. These trees are Trees of Life and are infested with Lanternflies. 2 questions…
1. Are they eating the lanternflies or licking the sugary sap or what?
2. I walked up to observe them and the one stopped and intently stared at me and wagged it's tail back and forth nonstop. Was that a warning or what?


I googled it for you and it said that it's a mating ritual. Watch yourself bongsmilie
I googled it for you and it said that it's a mating ritual. Watch yourself bongsmilie

I of course Googled it also before asking. But I cannot find a definitive answer. Some of the people were like yeah they wag their tail like a dog when they're happy. And then the others were like it's a warning get away. I did not see anything about the mating ritual though lol. Damn I'm so sexy other species want me.
I of course Googled it also before asking. But I cannot find a definitive answer. Some of the people were like yeah they wag their tail like a dog when they're happy. And then the others were like it's a warning get away. I did not see anything about the mating ritual though lol. Damn I'm so sexy other species want me.

Have you tried dropping your pants?
I've been thinking of trying for a gig as an personal illustrator so I did one of you.

Honestly, if you were trying to market yourself you would buy this - right - right? - Hello?

View attachment 5202755

I've never seen something so fucking beautiful. Honestly that's the coolest thing anybody has ever made me. I'm going to print it out and hang it in my office. Please put GWN on it, in the lower right corner.