Just put my dog down.


Active Member
She was a trooper, she survived alot of situations that should of killed her.
I remember when i was like 6, we were getting a tractor ride and we were all sitting in the trailer behind it and my dog ran around it barking.
She tried to tackle the trailer (she was a sheep dog) and she got her head ran over. She lied there i thought she was dead and then she got up and started running again.
She was also the only dog at my old lake that never had to be on a leash. Everyone there loved her and fed her, we would find her at people trailers or sites visiting seeing what there supper smells like. Even the Conservation officers battled a couple of people trying to complain about her. They told the complainers to shove it, she's harmless.
I miss her soo much


Well-Known Member
That sucks, sorry to hear of your loss. Sounds like you have a lot of great memories of her and those will be with you forever.


Well-Known Member
Just had to put my lab down last month so I know exactly how you feel! He was in so much pain just getting up from lying down...come to find out he had a tumor wrapped around his back. When I was pregnant I used to get real emotional and cry....he would crawl in my bed with me and use his head to move my hands from my face because he didn't want me to be upset. He was so smart, that was my boo boo! It was hard to hear that he would have to be put down. I ended up rescuing a husky / wolf mix and although he'll never replace my lab, I took all the hurt and love I had for him and used it to love on this new dog like I wish I could love on my lab. It helped out a lot! I wish you the best and hope you feel better.