Just pulled a tick off me.

And for those who like conspiracy theories. Just do a search on where Lymes disease came from and why.

There was a video on the net was called Behind The eight ball...was all about the conspiricy on Lyme..it is believed it was created in a lab in CT..for biological warefare..a place called Plum Island...it is an animal Disease Center..whether true or not..the story does sound believeable...at some of the symposiums i been to a lot of the Dr's there believe the story..as records have shown thwey were working on a bacteria same as lyme there at one time...

MyDR told me that Doxycyline is basicly useless after 3 days of the bite..There is a new test that shows results fast..but Ins companies will not pay for it..so we are screwed...

Also if you have chronic Lyme an get bit again the new bacteria may be a bit different than the one in yiou now..so it can mutate to even more severe strain...

I was out yestrerday after i posted here to cut grass..I walked in some brush area..then minutes later felt a crawler under my pants..pulled them down an a tick was crawling up my leg..also had some on pants..grrr...I did not have my protected clothing on that is sprayed with Sawyers clothing tick spray.. https://www.amazon.com/Products-Premium-Permethrin-Clothing-Repellent/dp/B01M4KFZME

stuff works..just use on clothes your wear outside working or hiking...

also the Dr. said to shower after with a tick soap or shampoo..ones for dogs are safe for us..they have herbal ones also..

It is worse for kids to get Lyme..its a killer...a child died not long ago from Lyme..it attacks heart muscles...check your children every time they come in from tick areas..,,head also...

also if you area deer hunter..do not hang deer in yard..as the deer cools down the ticks drop off an an make it home there..now u created a tick farm..if u do..spray the area good with a insecticide that kills ticks..

Tick nymphs are carried by mice an other animals outside...a tick will only travel 1 meter during its life span..they do not jump or fly...they hang on the ends of branches or on tall grass waiting for a host to come by..

Thank you for the links @tyson53. Speaking of children we just pulled a tick off of my 3 year olds head. We check him very thoroughly at least 5-6x a day and always bath him after being outdoors. My guess is that I may have had one on me I didn't find or one in my hair (very long hair) and it may have crawled onto him while watching cartoons with dad in the recliner ? We live in the NE and have lived here our whole lives as well as our families but it has gotten so bad lately we are considering to re locate. We are an outdoor family so telling our little ones they cant play outside just wont cut it.

The tests that they give me now all keep coming back "inconclusive" saying neither I do have it or dont have it !! At least my dr now will actually test and somewhat treat me as my previous dr (very old) wouldnt even say there was such thing as Lyme's disease ! Go figure.

Thanks again tyson53 for the helpfull info and links.
here is the problem..most Dr's are not well informed on Lyme..but it is getting better...and the tests they use are not accurate..the new test is much better an accurate...example..I got the old test that the ins comp approves of..it showed nothing...I had all the symptoms but showed negitive...I contacted a lyme disease group an they pointed me in right direction..a dr who knows lyme an does new tests..I had to pay for it my self...I got the results..I was positive with high bacteria count..so the test they give u from your dr is old an in accurate.The lyme dr said i was full blown...all he could do was try to keep it in remission...he sent all info to my family Dr..he was amazed I had it an did not show on his test..also not evry one gets a bulls eye..I never did....the meds i took was cipro i believe to keep in remission..when i have an outbreak I take it..but you cant take anti biotics for long treatment or you become anti biotic resistant..so you suffer...I eat cannabis for pain works better than smokin it...I also take some herbal stuff that helps joint aches..

now that lots of americans have Lyme the studies are being done to help people..before i think it was covered up ..
there are herbal sprays you can use on your kid..to repel ticks...look around..it has citronella..rosemary an few other herbs in it...safe for kids..don't let him get it..its sad for kids..see if any lyme groups in your area..go to a meeting..get the info...it helps...

some stages of lyme ticks are so small u cant feel or see them..till they swell..an may be to late then..

here this may help you https://www.lymedisease.org/get-involved/take-action/find-your-state-group/

also new studies are showing it may be sexually transmitted..not 100% sure yet..my GF has Lyme also..so it does not matter if it is for us...but again they are not 100% sure it is...

a good sign u may have it is..first u feel like u have the flu..then your joints ache..fingers hurt like being squeezed in a vise..head aches...body is sore like u got beat up..lol..spasms..back aches

hope this helps all...

There was a video on the net was called Behind The eight ball...was all about the conspiricy on Lyme..it is believed it was created in a lab in CT..for biological warefare..a place called Plum Island...it is an animal Disease Center..whether true or not..the story does sound believeable...at some of the symposiums i been to a lot of the Dr's there believe the story..as records have shown thwey were working on a bacteria same as lyme there at one time...

MyDR told me that Doxycyline is basicly useless after 3 days of the bite..There is a new test that shows results fast..but Ins companies will not pay for it..so we are screwed...

Also if you have chronic Lyme an get bit again the new bacteria may be a bit different than the one in yiou now..so it can mutate to even more severe strain...

I was out yestrerday after i posted here to cut grass..I walked in some brush area..then minutes later felt a crawler under my pants..pulled them down an a tick was crawling up my leg..also had some on pants..grrr...I did not have my protected clothing on that is sprayed with Sawyers clothing tick spray.. https://www.amazon.com/Products-Premium-Permethrin-Clothing-Repellent/dp/B01M4KFZME

stuff works..just use on clothes your wear outside working or hiking...

also the Dr. said to shower after with a tick soap or shampoo..ones for dogs are safe for us..they have herbal ones also..

It is worse for kids to get Lyme..its a killer...a child died not long ago from Lyme..it attacks heart muscles...check your children every time they come in from tick areas..,,head also...

also if you area deer hunter..do not hang deer in yard..as the deer cools down the ticks drop off an an make it home there..now u created a tick farm..if u do..spray the area good with a insecticide that kills ticks..

Tick nymphs are carried by mice an other animals outside...a tick will only travel 1 meter during its life span..they do not jump or fly...they hang on the ends of branches or on tall grass waiting for a host to come by..


BINGO! It is from f**king Plum Island which is closer to off Long Island in NY. Carried probably by small ticks on birds on the island to Lyme, CT area. Your taxpayer money at work.

Save me the Repub/Dem debate. they are all evil and they just steal our money. They use the news and media to divide us in these stupid arguments.

Some locals wanted Plum Island shut down - for good reason. The Congress people and some businesses wanted it to stay for the $$$$.

It is supposedly an agriculture testing lab but it is a weapons lab. Endless fake wars, endless money stolen from taxpayers. They were going to close it then move it to midwest closer to the food supply. Which is a really great idea. I want to say Iowa. just like govt - never close anything or kill any department or program. Just keep spending taxpayer money.
Nasty little bastards ! They are THICK this year in upstate NY. I have been pulling them off the dog all winter. Since the weather has warmed up things have only got worse here.
More good news , watched a bit on wsj the other day about the upcoming season saying it will be the worst yet. They also said 38% of 800 ticks tested so far carried Lyme disease , these were random ticks sent in by people who found or removed them this season in CT. Heres the news bit, some good info.


good thing the guy you voted for is trying to make living a pre-existing condition, eh?
Either two weeks ago, or two weeks before that, when I was hiking, I found a tiny little freckle sized tick in my groin area. I had got out of the tent to pee, and felt it while I was scratching. Got back in the tent with my headlamp and mirror, but he was so small I fucked him up pulling him out. No bulls eye, but it was red and swollen for at least two weeks. I didn't have a tick removal tool at the time, but I have a three pack on the way from Amazon now. Will be treating my hiking {and herb growing} clothes with Permethrin as soon as I can get some from Amazon.
Either two weeks ago, or two weeks before that, when I was hiking, I found a tiny little freckle sized tick in my groin area. I had got out of the tent to pee, and felt it while I was scratching. Got back in the tent with my headlamp and mirror, but he was so small I fucked him up pulling him out. No bulls eye, but it was red and swollen for at least two weeks. I didn't have a tick removal tool at the time, but I have a three pack on the way from Amazon now. Will be treating my hiking {and herb growing} clothes with Permethrin as soon as I can get some from Amazon.

Try this: Light a match and then blow it out and touch the head to the rear of the tick. It will let go and try and get its ass out of dodge.