Just popped an MDMA capsule


Well-Known Member
As for the test youre talking about that "college kids" (im guessing youre a highscool dropout)do, its called a marquis test..."The Marquis test is a reagent field test conducted by placing a drop of reagent liquid onto a small sample of the material being tested. The chemicals in the reagent react differently with different chemicals, turning a variety of colors based on the what is in the material being tested. A typical reation to MDMA is dark purple / black. A bright orange reaction can indicate the presence of amphetamine or methamphetamin (speed). A bright yellow / green reaction can indicate the presence of 2C-B, DOM, or DOB. This test is relatively limited in what it can test for, but is a simple and inexpensive means of narrowing down the possible components of a pill or material." Notice heroin wasnt one of the reagents fucktard, but why am i telling you...you dont even know wtf a reagent is. Graduate highschool before you try to talk shit. Fuckin lizard king, you aint jim morrison fag, and if jim morrison ever met you he would bitch slap you for being such a fag.


Well-Known Member
What you claim to be heroin is most likeley MDEA, you fucktard, do you know how fuckin expensive heroin is??? Have you ever nodded during rolling or thrown up on yourself without even feeling it....I dont thinkk so fag....maybe if ur were lucky u got one of those pills in 2005 that came out with phentanyl....but im guessing you were still in the 8th grade.


Well-Known Member
I never said I was the lizard king you loser it's a fucking user name homo. So why don't you keep searching google for your facts and keep on pretending like you actually know something. I've been to tons of Raves and I have gotten my tabs scraped many times. I have friends who do heroin and they've had heroin laced tabs they know all about this kind of stuff. So I am well aware of the fact that there can be Meth or Heroin in tabs of E. And I have graduated high school you fucking loser. Saying theres no Heroin or Meth in tabs is like saying you don't have a brain.

Peace Nukka


Well-Known Member
You keep referring to me being still in school yet your the fucking retard who doesn't know how to spell. By the way what the fuck is with you and saying fag every 3 words? Trying to hide ones own sexuality by belittling others?


Well-Known Member
Do me a favor and fuck off, now I gotta go to work so you can sit in front of your computer and enjoy being a waste of life.


Active Member
Probably the stupidest argument ive ever seen on here.^^ Its possible hes had heroin in his pills so shut up.


Well-Known Member
true, but capsules can contain pure mdma, xtc pills can contain mdma and meth, or crystal meth, heroin, dxm, or other drugs. I had some pure mdma, i felt like that guy from bad boys 2. everything felt so goooood and i didnt feel like i snorted a ball of coke, i was so relaxed.
dude this is if your lucky. Dont forget dexemphetamine, methemphetamine and just panadol and other over counter shit just to make it go that bit further. Iv even heard of setraline and paroxetine being used.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you guys are both right... But think about it, someone could make some heroine tabs just for the kicks and giggles. Chemists make good cash flow....
But I'm sure there are not many and maybe lizard dude did run into a bunch. who knows?!?


Well-Known Member
Where can I go to learn how to make X??

If you know how to cook speed then you can cook MDMA. It helps to have a basic chemistry knowledge. You could blow yourself up or kill yourself with poison gases if you do not know what you are doing. It is just a little different than cooking speed and you need safrole oil. Just Google it. There are plenty of recipes online. The problem is getting the correct chemicals with out getting busted or cooking it without hurting yourself. Check out Dr.Shulgin's book Phikal Erowid Online Books : "PIHKAL" - #109 MDMA


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure some of the ingredients to MDMA are controlled, you would need to be a chemist to get your hands on them, not to metnion Im pretty sure you would need a laboratory.