just please awnser, quick


Active Member
hey well my friend had some seed he said he got from some dank. he germinated it and two days later when the root thing was out about an inch he put it it in one of those red plastic cups. about an hour later his mom found it so he gave it to me. this was all yesterday. Right now i have it in that cup at my windowsill getting sunlight. I heard gradually introduce it to sunlight so how long should i let it stay at my windowsill before putting it in my closet or something till morning. or should i let it just sit there all day. im pretty sure im going to grow it outdoors in my backyard just for fun so when should i introduce it to outdoors? it hasnt sprouted yet.


Well-Known Member
It's too late to plant it outside. You'll have to keep it inside. Go buy a few 6500K CFL's and let it veg for 2 months.


Well-Known Member
hey well my friend had some seed he said he got from some dank. he germinated it and two days later when the root thing was out about an inch he put it it in one of those red plastic cups. about an hour later his mom found it so he gave it to me. this was all yesterday. Right now i have it in that cup at my windowsill getting sunlight. I heard gradually introduce it to sunlight so how long should i let it stay at my windowsill before putting it in my closet or something till morning. or should i let it just sit there all day. im pretty sure im going to grow it outdoors in my backyard just for fun so when should i introduce it to outdoors? it hasnt sprouted yet.
unless there's a big fat light in your closet, no point putting in there. Keep it in the window until you're ready to plant.
And next time, find a better title then "Just please answer, quick". You're not going to get a ton of responses that way.


Active Member
I appologize for my title. I just heard how plants can go bad quick and i didnt want it to die. I didnt know if my window would have like a magnifying glass and ants effect on my plant ya know?

So i understand i need a light. What is the normal price for one light for this one plant? Will my plant be okay at my window for about two days till i can manage to go to some shop and pick a light up?

Right now it is in a Red plastic cup with some expensive soil he took from his mom.


Well-Known Member
Leave it by the window and read about growing pot.
It'll be fine by the window until you figure out what you're gonna do.
damn...ur friend must be pretty dumb.....his parents found it before it even sprouted...if u live in florida or cali u can plant it outside and it will grow fine,, it will juss start to bud as soon as its mature enough


Well-Known Member
Are you trying to say he's Mexican or something? 'Cause that's just racist.
You're joking right? LOL.

No, what I meant was he could plant it outside if he lived in like Australia or something. Spring has just sprung south of the equator. :smile: