just planted my first grow and it all ready sprouted?


Active Member
I just germinated a badseed yesterday and planted it and 24 hours later the green sprout poped out the soil and is growing i have a 27 wat cfl on it.When will I be able to tell if it's male or female ?what light cycle should I put it on?


do a 20/4 for 3 weeks and then 18/6 till flower. You have to wait till flower to tell, unless you take a clone early and flower her....

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
will you be posting pictures of this grow here? if so i'll subscribe , i do like the bag seed grows

4-6 weeks in veg you should get pre flowers


this is the blind leading the blind. right now 16 on 8 off and you can only tell the gender of a plant after you start flowering.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
anyway, the schedule is up to you some people leave the lights on 24/0 i always keep mine on at 18/6, the most important thing is getting enough watts for your grow


Well-Known Member
anyway, the schedule is up to you some people leave the lights on 24/0 i always keep mine on at 18/6, the most important thing is getting enough watts for your grow

Also agree, light is most important, above all else. Get rid of those 27 watt bulbs, asap, and go with at least 42 watts, if you're sticking with CFLs. Those babies are ready for full light, especially if you're using fluoros. Those 27 watt bulbs will work for the first week or so,(they start stretching) but should be replaced soon, or add 2-3 more.