Just planted 12 seeds but wtf


Well-Known Member
Ok so i just planted 12 seeds and 4 popped but 1 popped up with white bugs on the skin of the husk,what could these tiny white bugs be? They look like specks of white dust.i threw the seedling and the soil away already since i have plants that have been flowering for about 13 weeks.


Well-Known Member
After hours of researching different bugs i came to the conclusion that i just wasted a seedling and these were baby springtails just eating the decaying skin from the seed husk and they are a good sign of healthy soil and actually beneficial.


New Member
After hours of researching different bugs i came to the conclusion that i just wasted a seedling and these were baby springtails just eating the decaying skin from the seed husk and they are a good sign of healthy soil and actually beneficial.
Thanks or letting us know the name of the bug, I never heard of this being a problem before...


Well-Known Member
Now i gotta plant germ another seed 11 is so odd lol,BTW all the seeds i germed were carefully selected from a batch of hundreds,i only selected the biggest seeds just to test a few theories but ironically i only had 12 big seeds outta all of em and they all popped,I'm about to germ 12 small seeds also to test another theory,should i do 12 medium sized seeds too lol i like 12

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Yep Springtails are a good thing. Later in the grow you should be able to see some in the runoff water after watering/feeding. Keep em around and they will police the trash from your medium for you during to the grow.....


Well-Known Member
Yep Springtails are a good thing. Later in the grow you should be able to see some in the runoff water after watering/feeding. Keep em around and they will police the trash from your medium for you during to the grow.....
they were only in one container on the seedling and i flushed it,i don't know if they were still in the soil but i added that soil to my compost bag.