Just planted: 12 hours ago, new method for me


Active Member
I normally use the towel method to germinate my seeds, but this time I'm using some soil cakes (seriously, it's like cake). I have the room sitting at 75 F atm. Seeds are buried (hard, no pre soaked) into cakes, set into seed trays with 6 t5 florescents over the tray. The water tray underneith has trace amounts of moisture so that the humidity dome can do it's work. I didn't over soak, but moistened the cakes before inserting the seeds. 12 hours later, top of cakes seem to be drying, the core of the cakes are still moist. I'll respray with a spray bottle in another 12 hours. Mainly I'm just trying to keep the soil moist, but the dop layer drysh, resembling a spring rain.

Thoughts? I'm doing 2 White Widow#1, 2 Barney's LSD, 2 Blue Widow, 1 Deisal


Active Member
Today I bought a germination heat mat and some rooting hormone Earth Juice: Rootstock (1 oz per gallon of water: PH220 PPM) and squeezed about a third of a dropper onto my cubes. ATM the tops of the soil feel damp, but not soggy or wet. The Temp is 78 F, 40 RH.


Active Member
I believe that is what i am using. I just decided I wanted to flip the florescent lights off for 24 hours to give the seeds a chance to germinate in the dark, before activating the T5's up. Think if I leave them alone except to spray the plugs down with some of this hormone mixture that I made, like once a day, that I'll see some seedlings sprout in a few days? I also bought a fan for the room as well, to keep the temperature stable through the day/night.


I always have bad germ rates so now i just direct sow and leave in the dark with plastic wrap to retain moisture and dont give em light till they sprout


Active Member
Ok, so last night I experienced explosive root growth.

The Blue Widows (both of them!) are out performing the other 5 seeds. After soaking the plugs in my full strength rooting harmone, these guys went from hard nut to a 3 inch root in 8 hours (I kid you not!)

One LSD opened within 8 hours, with about an inch root (at last checking, 12 hours ago)

The White Widows were taking a little longer than the rest. One seed eventually cracked after 12 hours of plug sitting. That was good enough for me to leave it alone. after checking on WW #2 for 12 hours (all night basically), I passed out and came to 10 hours later and rechecked the plug and saw the seed cracked and the radicule is emerging.

The lone deisal that had a seed the size of an acorn is also experiencing extreme growth with over 2 inches of root growth in 18 hours.

So let it be known that Attitude's freebie seeds are the shit. None of them are femenized, but they are growing like, well, weeds.

The WW is from The Doggies Nuts (shit was like $30 a seed, but I bought a 10 pack of the WW#1) so I figured that prime seeds take a bit longer than hybrid genetic seeds, so I think that waiting is to be expected.

All of my seeds that I planted where feminized, so naturally I want them to come up, but the LSD one isn't doing too hot. I just resoaked with half strength, maybe in 12 hours, something will happen for her.

I've been using my T5's (2ftx2ft) over the humidity dome and heating pad for 12 hours, that's AFTER I left them in the dark for only 12 hours. I will be shutting the florescents off in another 6 hours for 8 hours of uninterrupted night (I'm using an LED head light for night viewing)

So far, so good. I'm expecting the Blue Widows to be breaking surface within the next 24 hours. as soon as I can set up my phone to transfer pics to my laptop, I'll have my grow journal up.