Just out of curiosity


New Member
I know pretty much every bucket system is the same...just really who is running and operating the system really... But this is my first rdwc grow... These bubble buckets/ebb flow system is from supercloset.com....I have a 2 12s a 6 site system. So 30.....with 6000 watts( gavitas)....I'm pretty ocd so I know I'll be on top of it.... Just wondering if anyone was running anything close to this?? I don't know everything and listen to all if it makes common sense... Just wanna see what your yields were.... After the first run I plan on adding 4 more lights... Just kinda test running it.... And what mutes are y'all getting the best results with... Advanced nutes or flora??? Any legit info would help... I'm running lemon og and strawberry cough


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How do you get that many buckets to recirculate? Do you use a pump to pull it in the main res and let it gravity drain the big bucket back to the other buckets?

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