just ordered purple diesel from HGS. does anyone know anything about this?


Active Member
ive heard nothing but great things about hgs and have wanted to order there purple cindy for the longest time but am holding off on that cause i just smoked legit diesel for the first time and had to order a diesel strain and what do ya know hgs just came out with purple diesel so i ordered it today and cant wait to crack these bad boys...if anyone has grow/smoked or have any info on this strain id love to hear it


Junior Creatologist
is HGS even a reliable reseller?? has anybody ever done business with thembefore??

i mean, im checkin out the site right now, and theres alot of strains there that ive never heard of, or strains that i have heard of, but they dont list the original breeders. Never heard of Brainwreck, but thats the one that caught my eye besides the purp d. Must be brainstorm x trainwreck - would be a really nice crop to do a run of for sure.

Kief Chief

Well-Known Member
so gald u mentioned such an awesome purple strain man..i went to holland last year and smoked all kinds of crazy shit and the weed i loved the most was just called Purple, and it was only 5 euros a gram. purple weed is the shit. so i will b buying tis strain. thank you


Well-Known Member
is HGS even a reliable reseller?? has anybody ever done business with thembefore??

i mean, im checkin out the site right now, and theres alot of strains there that ive never heard of, or strains that i have heard of, but they dont list the original breeders. Never heard of Brainwreck, but thats the one that caught my eye besides the purp d. Must be brainstorm x trainwreck - would be a really nice crop to do a run of for sure.
They're for real. They are their own breeders. Brainwreck is Trainwreck X White Widow (so I'm told). Check out their guarantee page !
Their Hindu Kush is fantastic. Heard great reviews of Purple Cindy & Black Pearl.


Junior Creatologist
their garuntee page?? u mean the garuntee on their shipments that they include on their website? that dont mean nothin man, rip off websites have stuff like that listed, n say shit like if we dont get your order to you then well have our breeder come over to your house and start your grow for you with some 1000 yr old genetics that nobody has, lol. i mean, if theyre legit theyre legit - but has anybody that you know, or have you heard of anybody ordering from them before?? if you have id like to read what they had to say man, cuz i wouldnt mind pickin up a couple of their strains myself from the looks of them.


Well-Known Member
but has anybody that you know, or have you heard of anybody ordering from them before??
I have and many of the moderators on Cannabis Culture forums have too (Frmrgrl, Caligrower, Earl). Do a search there in the "seeds and strains" if you still can't believe it's legit. :shock:


Active Member
Hey man, Ive heard great thing about HGS. They have always been VERY fast in answering my questions about certain strains. I was also thinking about purchasing some Purple Diesel...Only thing is I wish more people knew about it...has anybody heard anything?


Active Member
just got the package today in the mail....very happy with hgs so far, i should be sprouting them within a week or so


Well-Known Member
I have two of their White Russian that are about a month into flower right now, so far so good. They are very stout healthy looking plants, and the buds are really growing fast. They smell great.

No idea on quality just yet, but as of right now all looks good. I really got sucked in by Smoove's grow journal of purple cindy here, I had to try once I saw that.

Some guys have reported being ripped off, so I went with DC on my payment, but everything went very smooth and beans(with extras) arrived very quickly.


Active Member
smooves journal was what did it to me, i had purple cindy in the cart but when my eyes saw purple diesel, i about shit myself


Well-Known Member
I have used HGS, Seeds came in 2 weeks or less. Have Avalanche in Flowering, but no smoke report yet. I ran out of bud n tried smoking a few clipped leaves from the first week of flowering and I got a pretty good buzz for about 20 min lol. As far as ordering and shipping, they seem reliable to me, prices are great, they answered my emails quickly despite some things ive read about them, and they plants look amazing so far. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
I have used HGS and have had pretty good results.


Dont believe the insane, crazy hype that you see on their sites.
You will not have a 10 lbs yielding purple cindy with buds larger than basketballs and shit.
They are solid strains from my experiences, worth the soil and nutrients to grow, but they arent going to have you sending out a memo to all your best friends about the unbelievable "super" strain of pot you just grew out.

Purple Cindy is pretty kick ass btw, with a fruity mango type smell and taste, hits immediately.
Super Bud is an OK sativa, covered with crystals but nothing incredible.
Black Pearl is the strongest smelling, tasting pot I may have come across, unfortunately you have to like the smell of paint thinner.
My buddy has Clusterbomb (seed I gave to him) drying as we speak, going into jars this weekend, I will see what its like in a few weeks.
He also has one that we have not identified yet (seed I gave to him) because the mix pack is unlabelled so you have to figure it out as you grow.

I have also had a really high fem to male ratio as well.


Well-Known Member
a good point for another HGS grower to insert an experience or 2, packs info into a compact space
HGS nl#5 - very legitimate representation of what nl#5 is supposed to be, think i got a more sativa pheno, extremely strong lift off, nice indica descent
HGS brainwreck - good but did have hermie issues, to be fair the grow logs on his site did show this trait, no false advertising in that respect, had excellent pain relief effect, first strain i've found to do that


Active Member
been growin their avalanche for 3 years now. its really great stuff. I don't know about 10 ounces off 1 plant indoors(I don't even think they claim those numbers), but outdoors probably so. Their service was good and helpful. I got well over 4 ounces off 1 plant in a 5 gal bucket of ocean forest and a 400 watter, so it was everything they claimed it would be and more. In fact I've got 2 ladies all grown up and ready to flower soon along with my first try at 12/12 from seed(not avalanche seeds) so I might start a grow log on here. Anyway, if you're looking for someone to vouch for them, I do. I asked them but they never responded about the genetics of avalanche but it sure is cool stuff.