Just ordered from dr. chronic


Well-Known Member
Well like I said I received mine very quickly from Nirvana. As for drchronic, I have received 1 package, and the other package never came. No letter from customs either. After I emailed him a few times he finally emailed me back saying, " is your mailbox secure?". I immediately replied, "yes, it requires a key". The next day he said, "your package must have gotten lost, we're sorry you lost your package". Lost? How many times has your mail gotten lost? Cards, letters, anything? I know, I know, "it's coming from Europe". I think maybe once in my life has anything gotten lost in the mail for me. That includes postcards and letters from Europe. And if it did get confiscated by customs, why didn't I get a letter? I'm not accusing, I'm just saying.
i never ordered from dr. chronic..i ordered from attitude seed co..and it arrived a week later after i ordered it..so im sastify..


Well-Known Member
do i need to do guaranteed stealth track and trace or is the reg track and trace ok
well i did the regular track and trace..and i worked out for me..but u could do the guaranteed one...some people would suggest gettin a t-shirt with it..cuz it makes it harder for customs to take it..but i didnt feel like spendin 10 more dollars on that delievery method..i took a risk and did the regular track and trace shippin..but its up to u..


Active Member
Ordered from Dr. Chronic @ Aug 10. Hasn't arrived, but, no letter from customs or anything like that. Site says you order at your own risk, (cool, fine with that) but does that mean you shouldn't contact them and ask? I never got any type of tracking #, just my order confirmation e-mail. thks.

btw. I had good luck ordering from marijuana-seeds.nl last time, but Dr. Chronic had some lowriders in stock...best plant EVER.


Well-Known Member
Ordered from Dr. Chronic @ Aug 10. Hasn't arrived, but, no letter from customs or anything like that. Site says you order at your own risk, (cool, fine with that) but does that mean you shouldn't contact them and ask? I never got any type of tracking #, just my order confirmation e-mail. thks.

btw. I had good luck ordering from marijuana-seeds.nl last time, but Dr. Chronic had some lowriders in stock...best plant EVER.

You can contact him. It may take a couple days for a response, and he'll probably ask you if your mailbox is secure and then say "well your package probably got lost or stolen, we're sorry you lost your package". I could be wrong but I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm still waiting on the dr's Rx to come through (I haven't received the customs letter either) and today is September 2nd. I ordered on August 3rd and the parcels were sent out on Aug 4th and 5th according to the doc. I used a name that sounded phonetically the same as my real one, but I don't know if that would stop the package from coming. Last week I email the doc to see if the parcel was returned to them and he replied with the FAQ page from the site. That kind of pissed me off because I was just asking if they came back to him or not, but I blew it off as routine response and haven't email him again. I'm borderline chalking it up as a loss and have started researching other places that ship the beans to us. I guess I'll email him again if they haven't showed up in another 2 weeks and see what he says. Next time, I'm paying with m.o and hopefully they offer overnight or next day service, I'm willing to pay extra for quick service and a tracking number. LOL!!


Well-Known Member
if you sign up for nirvana you have to open an account and put in all yer infomation, if you put in all fake information where will it go


Well-Known Member
by fake info what do u mean?
U can use a fake name but if u use a fake address it would just be returned.
If u use cc u need to use ya real info for the billing address and the shipping you can send it anywhere.


Well-Known Member
by fake info what do u mean?
U can use a fake name but if u use a fake address it would just be returned.
If u use cc u need to use ya real info for the billing address and the shipping you can send it anywhere.

Well Mane,

I used a fake name to ship to, and well lets just say, if I was holding my breath my arms would be tired. LOL!! I emailed the Doc and he said if you use a fake name the package will get returned to the FAKE return address they use. YES, the Doc uses a fake return address, so if you don't get your beans, they are returned to thin air. I'm trying to negotiate with him on resending half of my order, and if they make it here, I'm going to order from him again. I accept the responsibility of my package not coming by using the fake name, so I really don't blame the Doc at all, I don't think he's out to fuck people. I actually plan on ordering from him on my next payday as a sign of good faith. I'll also try to get from hemp depot and seeddirect.info. One thing that I found funny was, the Doc asked me with all the warnings about the recipient assumes all the risk, why did I order from him? I had to tell him, I'm tired of going on the street, and I believe the risk of ordering beans is still better than trying to avoid the local police. Between the police trying to confiscate an ounce saying they took 20 billion worth of weed off the streets, and dealers that don't know a quarter is 7 grams WITHOUT the fucking bag is just too big of a hassle. Well have a good day and be cool everyone.


Well-Known Member
Well Mane,

I used a fake name to ship to, and well lets just say, if I was holding my breath my arms would be tired. LOL!! I emailed the Doc and he said if you use a fake name the package will get returned to the FAKE return address they use. YES, the Doc uses a fake return address, so if you don't get your beans, they are returned to thin air. I'm trying to negotiate with him on resending half of my order, and if they make it here, I'm going to order from him again. I accept the responsibility of my package not coming by using the fake name, so I really don't blame the Doc at all, I don't think he's out to fuck people. I actually plan on ordering from him on my next payday as a sign of good faith. I'll also try to get from hemp depot and seeddirect.info. One thing that I found funny was, the Doc asked me with all the warnings about the recipient assumes all the risk, why did I order from him? I had to tell him, I'm tired of going on the street, and I believe the risk of ordering beans is still better than trying to avoid the local police. Between the police trying to confiscate an ounce saying they took 20 billion worth of weed off the streets, and dealers that don't know a quarter is 7 grams WITHOUT the fucking bag is just too big of a hassle. Well have a good day and be cool everyone.
damn digger you mess with the wrong dealers then. its 7bones naked straight up.. If they giving you less get on em.
Now about this fake name.. The doc is bs on that. I used a fake name on mines from him for ex. Joe Castro.. came right through no probs.
Its the fake addresses that would be returned never for a fake name..
He's lying on that note.