Just not growing/growing extremely slow

Hey pics attached no idea why it's stopped growing haven't seen any growth now in a few days been about 7 days now and still look like this any ideas guys or tips using led 240 watt led dimmed to 40-50percent temps18-28c humidity is being bitch between 35-45% attached pics I'm out of ideas just doesn't appear to be growing anyway to save or should I throw then and start over again thoughts
First 2 pics are from when they first sprouted 24th may
pics 3-7 are now(today)31st may(nogrowth in last 4 days) oh its an autoflower BTW if that makes a difference


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i am on my first grow and my plant that i grew from seed was super slow too grow it took over a week just too open up the leaves they were closed for a week lol may i ask what media your using? soil? coco?
Oh, looked like trashy soil my bad lol, maybe ur watering abit too much...but i find most of the growth is in the roots after they sprout..then they slowly grow leaves, is why i hate seeds...long process...they don't need much light right now anddd make sure you add amendments to that soil , specially when flowering.
And yes ur humidity sucks bad.

Get a dome over them like a plastic bottle or something!, that will make em abit happier.
Hey pics attached no idea why it's stopped growing haven't seen any growth now in a few days been about 7 days now and still look like this any ideas guys or tips using led 240 watt led dimmed to 40-50percent temps18-28c humidity is being bitch between 35-45% attached pics I'm out of ideas just doesn't appear to be growing anyway to save or should I throw then and start over again thoughts
First 2 pics are from when they first sprouted 24th may
pics 3-7 are now(today)31st may(nogrowth in last 4 days) oh its an autoflower BTW if that makes a difference
Now you have to be sure to quit watering with a turkey baster. Go ahead and give her a big drink man. Because, then, her ass is going to drop it in gear, and smoke her tires, if you will
You hold the key
I'd assume so 240 watts led dimmed to 50% so that's what 120 watts
how far away is the light etc? Just asking because a little seedling should get enough nutes from the soil it's in, so if it's not growing then maybe it's not getting enough light
I think that 100+ watts of led is a bit much for them unless it's at least 2ft from the pots. I think they may be getting too much water. Plants love oxygen as well.
I had a clone in a small cup that I removed from my tent. (Space issues) I sat it in my kitchen for a week.. The leaves never drooped.. in fact it had about 2 inches of new growth with leaves still praying. My brother in law stopped by & took it home with him a few days ago.
So no need to keep them wet. Especially in the seedling stage. Too much love will kill em.
Two tried & true methods
1) L.I.T.F.A (Leave it the f*ck alone)
2) K.I.S.S (Keep it simple stupid)

They may sound like the most A-holish things to say, but I'll be damned if they aren't true.
We all catch on one day.
Grodirt is good but should definitely be cut with coco for starting seeds in, even the light version, it’s a heavy soil mix.

Don’t love them to death before they get going.

Good luck mate