Just Moved plants outside, will they make it?

Hey guys. Im growing superlemon haze. I live in vancouver BC.

Its Sept.3rd at 7pm.

This morning i had a few plants from my closet i put outside.

they were in 1 gal pots. they were under T5's. i have brought them out each night to get them used to the cold.

it being sept. and they havent even started flowering yet. will they make it? will i be able to harvest bud off them?

I really need some advice guys!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
If they havent started flowering yet I seriuosly doubt they will have time to bud out before it freezes there. Your looking at ~9 weeks to bud them(once they start).


Well-Known Member
If it were me I would just keep them inside where the conditions will remain more consistant. The more you change things the higher the chance of stressing the plant. stress can cause them to herm..


Well-Known Member
if u are worried about temps you can do a few things to really help. take some mulch and put a thick layer on your top soil or top of your bucket. then put black plastic down on top of that. the mulch stays warm on its own from ferminting but the black plastic will draw in more heat and help trap it inside. then you can use a thermal plant blanket to cover the plants at night. or you could make a temp greenhouse out of some plastic and pvc pipe. temps around and below 50 will stunt growth in most strains.

Both excessively high and low temperatures can slow marijuana's rate of metabolism and growth. The plants function best in moderate temperatures - between 60 and 85 degrees. As more light is made available, the ideal temperature for normal plant growth increases. In high temperature and moderate light conditions, the plant's stems elongate. Strong light and low temperature conditions will decrease stem elongation. During periods of low light, sem elongation can be decreased by lowering the temperature.

Temperatures below 50 degrees slow growth in most varieties of marijuana. When the temperature drops below 40 degrees, the plants may experience some damage and require about 24 hours to resume growth. Low nighttime temperatures may delay or prevent bud maturation. Some equatorial varieties stop growth after a few 40 degree nights. http://www.quicktrading.com/tips16.html


Well-Known Member
You should have bought seeds with genetics meant to survive in cooler temps, then just done the hole thing outside.
My advice to your situation is bring them outside when its warmer and sunny. When it is not just keep them inside because the temp change could stress as ak.fortyseven said


Well-Known Member
I have a SLH that has been outside since April that is about 9' that still isn't flowering. It is the only plant that has not started flowering yet. I am in NorCal so we have long summers, when does your temps start to drop normally?


New Member
I moved my plants outside for sunlight on my first grow, got gnats that eventually killed them all even with gnat spray.
Its sept.5th and they have been outside for 2 days. Will they flower intime to harvest

strain- Superlemon haze x Bubba Kush