Just made some hash butter....it looks really strong?


Well-Known Member
Just made some hash butter with about 3.5 grams of some mid grade hash and keif. I used one stick of butter in hopes of making some tasty krispy treats, but it looks really strong almost shiny and crystaly. The recipe calls for 3 tablespoons (a stick is eight).

Should i add more butter?? This is my first time cooking with weed butter.

Here are the pics before and after:



Well-Known Member
have u strained it yet?

and there is no such thing as TOO strong



stays relevant.
Strength really cant be based on the appearance of butter, to me- it just looks like there is a lot of plant matter in it. I would let it set, and try it out some.


Well-Known Member
Strength really cant be based on the appearance of butter, to me- it just looks like there is a lot of plant matter in it. I would let it set, and try it out some.
I made it with bubble hash and some leftover keif... there is no plant matter in it. It looks like carmel icing with glitter...haha

I will start off with a smal crispy treat and see how it goes.

thanks for the replies.


Well-Known Member
The overall results are good, i ate a 2"x2" piece and it worked out well. I eat alot of edibles/candies from the dispensaries around here and i think the "hash" part makes it taste alot better.

Now what to do with the rest of the butter........


Well-Known Member
Inject it !!!!
Get a syringe with as large a needle that you can, #5 I think, get some capsules from your local Co-Op, or drug store/ Wally world 00 size( biggest ). Melt the butter ,suck it up into syringe, inject into cap, freeze, pop them at your leisure, even right in front of God and everyone, looks like you are taking a herbal supplement , which you are. Have fun!