Just lost my job... need some encouragment BADLY!


Active Member
I know that I haven't been around here very long, or posted to extensively but I need some serious encouragement... I just got down sized.

The quote "Honesty you didn't do anything wrong, nothing. This is my least favorite part of this job. We just can't support someone of your experience and position at this time financially, and we are extremely sorry for any inconvenience that we may have caused you it was completely unintentional."

Yeah it hurts. The worst part about it, I loved the position.

Does anyone know of a full-time graphic design position that is held virtually (home office work / freelance)?

Thanks RIU, please help me feel better. The worst part about it is I have absolutely no access to any grass because I moved to the new city to take the job I just got down sized from...

Fun... good times...

Also the reason that I posted under the CFL board is because this is where I spend the most time and belive that I am most untuned to the folks that reside here.

Thanks RIU lets hope the second part of the week is better than the first!
that sucks m8, but i've been through this same very thing from the same company 3x's now in the past 11 years total.. such bs, and it always makes me laugh when you look at some of the people that they keep and some of the ones that they get rid of, at least in my case that is how it is.. senority doesn't mean a thing now a days, and they just get rid of whom ever they please for what ever reasons..
it really sucks ass that you relocated and all for them, only to be let go.. i feel for you no doubt.. but maybe a new door will open for you as another one closes..
the good news is that you are now more than welcome to come over to the riu bum thread, lol... its basically just a thread where everyone is bitching about their being jobless, and it sounds like you'd fit right in..
i don't really know what else to say though as i have recently lost my job as well.. its never an easy thing to go through, and i've been majorly depressed over it..
Thank you so much racerboy71 for the sentiment I very thankfull for your support. I have a feeling that you are right on all accounts. Just everyone cross there fingers, crossed for me. I really want to land on my feet with this let down.
I know that I haven't been around here very long, or posted to extensively but I need some serious encouragement... I just got down sized.

The quote "Honesty you didn't do anything wrong, nothing. This is my least favorite part of this job. We just can't support someone of your experience and position at this time financially, and we are extremely sorry for any inconvenience that we may have caused you it was completely unintentional."

Yeah it hurts. The worst part about it, I loved the position.

Does anyone know of a full-time graphic design position that is held virtually (home office work / freelance)?

Thanks RIU, please help me feel better. The worst part about it is I have absolutely no access to any grass because I moved to the new city to take the job I just got down sized from...

Fun... good times...

Also the reason that I posted under the CFL board is because this is where I spend the most time and belive that I am most untuned to the folks that reside here.

Thanks RIU lets hope the second part of the week is better than the first!

ok build your own virtual graphic desing business online on a cheap server or something.
then build a grow room so while your at home you can also grow
and then you decided what you do with your harvest and you go from there.

good luck
Hey bud, I feel for you, I've been out of work since Oct. My new hobby is helping me stay sane. I did a quick search in my local bay area maybe this is up your ally... good luck
Edit: Go Sharks!!!
i know the feeling i got laid of 2 yrs ago. had company car, company gas, company cell phones, they couldn't afford it. been looking every since .but right now all this shit helps out. even tho i'm really wanting to get back to the everyday grid of things. keep your head up what everyones been telling me stay positive good things come
Try to get unemployment, for the mean time. I got my fingers crossed for ya bro. This good be a good thing, the dream job could be right around the corner. Keep us posted on your goings. And keep your head high and up!
Thank you everyone for posting your words of encouragment, this last 12 or so hours has not been easy. Its good to know that I have a virtual shoulder to lean on.

Thank you RIU community, I will keep everyone posted.
hey bud i know the feeling all to well, seems like you have no where to turn and everything is falling to shit and to be honest some times it truly is, and all that cliche' shit about keeping your head up and everything happens for a reason sounds silly- but its all you can do buddy, shit does happen for a reason- it will work itself out- you know why- cause it has too- be thankful for the stuff you do have right now- one being your life- lost many friends who had everything they've ever wanted- kids that worked hard and had everything taken from them, so be thankful and keep moving forward- again it has to work itself out- also dont question whether or not you've hit rock bottom-whenever one comes under this mentality it is a recipe for disaster, look at the positive in every situation and every available oppertunity, shit can get much worse- much much worse- track every lead down and put 110% into everything you do from here on out and you will be rewarded for your efforts.. trust that my man...

stay up. go hard and get back on your feet bud, no one can do it for you- balls in your court playa....
and if that means flipping burgers until something better comes along you better hop on it, hopefully you can collect U.E but if not and you have to work double shifts 7 days a week at mc d's hop on it- hard work is always rewarded- and is usually noticed by someone who can help you out. even managers at mc d's make 70-100k a year... money is money. and money is everything in today's society.. no more I.O.U's
I have been job hunting for a little over 11 months now and finally found a temp. full time job. I have been abstaining during this time due to possible drug test. It looks like there is not test and I have been sitting on some sweet and sticky buds for most of this weight.
After I have worked there a week and feel confident there really won't be one. It will be party time for me. I will break out the Green Dragon and drink several ml of it then smoke some wonderful giant sticky/smelly but that I've been saving in jars for dam near a year.:0
everything will look up my man .. life could always be worst... i totaled my car the other day and was so bummed for the first 2 days.airbags popped, windshield cracked..and much much more damage..after that i realized i could have died..i could of been paralyzed.. could have broken some bones.. walked away with just a couple scratches and here i am a week later... still no car, but im still breathing.. "things are never as bad as they may seem"..think i heard that in a movie lol
nothing easy about earning a living these days, not that ever was, just sucks more than usual
i can't give you any hot leads, not too familiar with your biz
one resource you could give a look on are some of the online consulting businesses
not going to say these are good places, lot of low rate bidding for e-jobs by peeps all over the world
but you may get some ideas, see what's in demand, never know
elance.com is one example(not a recommend - just an example), there are plenty of others
ive been jobless since november..got paid for 3 months..januari was last..and here we are in may! Wow time goes fast!

take it as a grading report..you've basically been told that you're too good for them! This means that your brains are well equipped.. think hard on what you want to do from now on, it will be the hardest part! trying to figure out what to do next! You're smart enough..you'll come up with something!

smoke a joint and get creative!

peace my friend.
Not glad you're in the same boat as me, but the company's nice. Two months ago I got smacked in the face with a pink slip, the day before I was to make my seed order. After a couple of days of freaking out (and a wicked hangover that apparently involved me climbing things...) I said fuck it and ordered some seeds. I said fuck it some more and built my micro cfl cab out of parts I had lying around. Then I said fuck it all and dropped a couple hundred into the vegetable garden out back. Since I lost my job I've filed for unemployment, got funding to go back to school, filed with school, got food stamps, health insurance, and a breath of fresh air. Know what I realized? Getting fired is one of the best things that ever happened to me. I am so happy, and you can be too.
Thank you once again eveyone! I have been given some priceless advise. I am feeling better today. Spent all morning out in the yard and around the house working. Sure does feel good to be able to take care of the house during such perfect morning weather.

I think this afternoon might just be the perfect time to order some seeds. Hello feminized Aurora indica.

Thank you all!