Just looking for a little reassurance. Is she ready w/ pics.

I have been a long time lurker on this site and have gained a plethora of knowledge from the many people here so first I would like to say thanks to all the dedicated growers on this site. With that being said I am approaching harvest and am curious if this plant is ready for harvest. I do not know how long it has been flowering as I don't like to limit its growth by going by some projected flower time, also counting days makes me anxious. I have a 30x-100x microscope but find it hard to make out the difference between the clear and cloudy so I am looking for a little help. I took the best pictures I could with my phone so please bare with the pictures. Plant is a pineapple express from seed grown under a 400 hps using fox far nutrients in a constant drip system, and is currently on its second week of flushing.
Please let me know what you guys think, I am still pretty newb so any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated. Also to follow I have two other plants which are nearing harvest which I am going to put up, but I am not going to worry about those until this one is cut and hanging( they are near the back of my tent so its a bit of a pain to get to them.


Well-Known Member
I would probably wait till this weekend and chop her down. Looks like you will have 4-6 oz's of some tasty bud.
Thanks for the replies people, I am still kind of new to posting here and I realized that newbs really don't get to much attention here so thanks for looking and giving advice I really appreciate the comments.

Tibberous- Yes I know I can really believe how well it did under my 400 this time around I corrected my airflow problems that I was having last go and has done wonders.

mjjbabel- I think that is a good idea as I still see a few trics which are clear , could be wrong though as even with a scope it can sometimes be hard to tell the difference, at least from my prospective.

I probably will wait until this weekend anyways as I don't really have the time this week to put aside for the arduous chore which we all know and "love". I tell you though this girl smells like a fruit stand! I can't wait to try it out , ugh i get so impatient around these times.

Wow almost 200 views and only 2 posters other than myself , come on guys help a newb out here. Climb out of those caves lurkers!!!


Active Member
FAt buds there! No anxiety. One of these days coming up soon, you will wake up and say...."Im gonna pull her today"
Better to not pull prematurly.As long as she is busted up and i see cloudies then I go for it. Rep
Yea they are pretty huge, and dense as can be. I have previously made the mistake of pulling prematurely before so I am trying to let this one go until the end to avoid that this time. Hence the reason I am reaching out the community. Glad to know that she is close though I am sure that once I see a done plant in front of my face I will have better intuition on what it should look like for future reference, as this will be my first BOMB harvest.


Well-Known Member
She is looking great man, seems like shes gotta be pretty close like these guys said. I agree if you've got mostly cloudy trichs the its gonna be good. Its also gonna continue to mature while it drys.
I appreciate all of the complements, and I will be chopping this in the morning. As well as this I will probably update with the plant that is next in line for the chop. So stay tuned everyone will be updating with chop pics of this plant in the morning.

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
I appreciate all of the complements, and I will be chopping this in the morning. As well as this I will probably update with the plant that is next in line for the chop. So stay tuned everyone will be updating with chop pics of this plant in the morning.
Very well my good fellow.

Will definately check it out.

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
How'd it go? Did you trim it wet, or you gonna let it dry first to finish maturing?
Good question.

I appreciate all of the complements, and I will be chopping this in the morning. As well as this I will probably update with the plant that is next in line for the chop. So stay tuned everyone will be updating with chop pics of this plant in the morning.
Don't go holding out on us.