just hit by the searing blade of a bad breakup.

thanks to those offering compassion, I really have no use for the more sarcastic and/or ah these problems aint shit kind of posts. I realize life has ups and downs, this is just a major downer for me because we had amazing chemistry, my life changed dramatically because of this relationship in a positive way. but I am keeping positive, its just hard because I don't really like being alone, meh.
and I hate it. long, drawn out, ups and downs, so many mixed feelings and just fuckng hating this shit, we were together 1 year and 3 months...

she was becomming dissatisfied for a while and eventually wanted to turn our relationship into an open one, little did I know she then turned that on me and wanted to go to nevada to go fuck some dude. then she broke up with me and emotionally blackmailed me into driving her almost 2 hours to a place where she could hitch hike ( she payed me so she insists I shouldn't be mad.)

she's leaving tomorrow, I'm just all pissed and sad at the same time, needed to vent... anyone ever experience something like this???

shit was amazing the first 6 months...then shit just got shittier over time.

you gota find a good one big dog women are a trip like males are a trip but if you want to settle down you gota go for a good one you cant make a hoe a house wife gee.. if they are freeky they are gona get tired of steak and even want beens and rice with vegies or soup.. it hurts deep man it the worst feeling but dont go back dont take her back and what ever you do dont go on dates and just talk about your relation ship with her you'll scare the new ones away gee.. good luck !!!