Just have to throw it out there

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
So after doing some well deserved research before I went in for my renewal, I did find out that a higher plant recommendation from your doctor is legit in CO. I talked to my doctor and while she didn't bump it up a lot, she did increase it. Just thought you guys would like to know if you didn't already.


Well-Known Member
i know of a couple people that use a increased limit. The law though only cover 6 plants in the medical defense, anything more then that you have to prove a need for extra plants and meds. This includes your doctor going in and testifying for you.

But it is always nice for people to be looking out for each other. Im sure maybe some people didnt know about it.


Well-Known Member
So after doing some well deserved research before I went in for my renewal, I did find out that a higher plant recommendation from your doctor is legit in CO. I talked to my doctor and while she didn't bump it up a lot, she did increase it. Just thought you guys would like to know if you didn't already.

Sure if you want to spend $20,000 or more defending yourself in court. I don't know anyone that has been raided with a higher plant count that didnt get charged.


Well-Known Member
Hi there the increased plant count.is recognized by the registry but not law enforcement if you have more then 6 plants and not a caregiver you will get charged with cultivation then you'll have a headache hiring a lawyer I wouldn't go over state limit of 6 unless your a caregiver with paperwork


Well-Known Member
Hi there the increased plant count.is recognized by the registry but not law enforcement if you have more then 6 plants and not a caregiver you will get charged with cultivation then you'll have a headache hiring a lawyer I wouldn't go over state limit of 6 unless your a caregiver with paperwork

Exactly, and its because cops don't like to admit they were wrong when they bust into someones house, once its reached that point they will find ANYTHING they can to charge you with just to avoid embarrassment.

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
Well Idk where you guys are from but I just got done re registering and had to go down to the court house for a notary of the public stamp. I tal;kled to the county DA and he said that in my county both the DA's office and law enforcement recognize a higher plant count. lol

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
And the most that've ever spent on a lawyer was 10 g's but got 2 refunded to me for it going to trial. AND . . the doctor I saw does not EVER give away a higher plant recommendation. The shop that I signed up with for clones jaw almost hit the floor whenever she saw it so if it does go to court i'm sure she's got my back!


Well-Known Member
Well Idk where you guys are from but I just got done re registering and had to go down to the court house for a notary of the public stamp. I tal;kled to the county DA and he said that in my county both the DA's office and law enforcement recognize a higher plant count. lol
What county is that? I have a feeling Boulder County would honor Dr. Recommended plant counts but don't know for sure.


Well-Known Member
Id stay on the safe side having 6 plants isnt a big deal if.cops.come.it's.hi.and bye.With.you're card but on top of that they can make you're life a living hell
If you're recommendation is high happened to my brother in law with high plant count to the point where they hand cuffed him in front on neighbors for 45 minutes and took.down his grow put all plants in garbage bag in front yard for neighbors to see then let him go


Active Member
Did anyone hear of the 21 pot house grow ring bust that was all over the news? The one house that higher plant count recommendations was left alone.

Cops do not want the lawsuits. If you have papers they will leave you alone. Do you think your personal basement opp is worth losing their pensions? No one will even come and count your plants unless all your neighbors complain.


I believe this to be incorrect on many levels.
First off all it actually takes to get the cops to knock on the door is a call that says you are over you limit at this address. May not work everytime, but it has certainly happened. Now if you redirect that call to CPS (Child Protective Services) because they have kids, now they will come looking for any sort of grow at all. And if they find it and it is not completely locked down you will be charged at very least with child abuse, even within your plant counts.
And there have been many documented cases of people being arrested due to higher plant count numbers that didn't go with Amendment 20 (and HB 10-1284), and them having to defend themselves in court.

Keep smell under control, avoid getting the cops called to your home, don't tell anyone anything, and keep your nose clean. This is the best way to insure that no one will come looking for your room. But making it invisible incase anyone does ever come looking for it is huge in my book too, this i know from a close "friends" experience.

Keep safe out there, we are still treated like criminals, so still treat it like its a crime, and hope for a time when we can be free to enjoy this plant put here for our use and enjoyment.


Well-Known Member
Exactly, and its because cops don't like to admit they were wrong when they bust into someones house, once its reached that point they will find ANYTHING they can to charge you with just to avoid embarrassment.
typical tactic used since the dawn of time, or the dawn of laws/law enforcement anyway. I've got a 12/12 plant count, my kid that lives here (of age and carded) has 3/3. I don't ever go over 6/6 even though I COULD go 15/15 . and as far as getting busted here...... they don't give a fuck if you're carded or not, IF they get a warrant (and this is very easy in some cases, all it takes is a odor ) they WILL come in like you're a criminal , cuff you in your underwear and set you in your front yard THEN flashbang you, I've mentioned this numerous times here and everyone is either too sheepish to comment or doesn't give a fuck. THEY (and you know who I mean) should have access to the registry for one purpose alone, IF they get a complaint about odor a warning should be issued and nothing further. next time maybe a fine, there is no goddamn room for flashbanging people in their underwear WHILE cuffed, fuck this.


Well-Known Member
Did anyone hear of the 21 pot house grow ring bust that was all over the news? The one house that higher plant count recommendations was left alone.

Cops do not want the lawsuits. If you have papers they will leave you alone. Do you think your personal basement opp is worth losing their pensions? No one will even come and count your plants unless all your neighbors complain.
Exactly, cops don't want lawsuits, that's why they didn't mention the illegal assault with the flashbang while dude sat in his underwear in the police report.


Well-Known Member
but, cops don't have access to the registry so they had no idea which house had the high plant count .link?


Well-Known Member
Did anyone hear of the 21 pot house grow ring bust that was all over the news? The one house that higher plant count recommendations was left alone.

Cops do not want the lawsuits. If you have papers they will leave you alone. Do you think your personal basement opp is worth losing their pensions? No one will even come and count your plants unless all your neighbors complain.


Well-Known Member
I had mentioned a long time ago, the MMJ Patient Protection Network. It may not exist officially (yet) but I think it's high time (pun, LOL) that it was created. Basically it is patients watching out for each other. What this does is this:

Patients who have cameras and surveillance systems need to learn to use it to their advantage, esp. in legal defenses. Cops HATE getting caught on camera breaking laws and it's a great way to PUNISH THEM for being PIGS instead of law enforcement officers. For instance, if you have a DVR that records your cameras (make sure you have audio too) you upload your footage every day to an offsite location. There are scores of data storage places out there for cheap money too. Your DVR needs to be in a secure, HIDDEN location as well so they cannot find it easily. Another great tactic to use is dummy cameras and hidden actual ones. When they think they have destroyed or disabled your cameras you catch them on tape doing just that with the covert cameras. Smoke detector cameras, Motion sensors, all are available now and they work awesome. Make sure you have battery backup for all your systems and hard shield your network feeds into your location. Use GOOD encryption software on your computers with an ultra-strong key as well. Something along the lines of PGP with a 64 digit key is a good start. Anyone needs more info I will post up a tutorial for all to see.

My feeds UPLOAD to my other friends’ locations and theirs upload to mine. It does take some bandwidth but is well worth it. With cross coverage between multiple locations we have the PIGS by the short hairs if they even dare break one law. Knowledge of technology is POWER... but only if you use it correctly! Stay safe out there!


Active Member
I had mentioned a long time ago, the MMJ Patient Protection Network. It may not exist officially (yet) but I think it's high time (pun, LOL) that it was created. Basically it is patients watching out for each other. What this does is this:

Patients who have cameras and surveillance systems need to learn to use it to their advantage, esp. in legal defenses. Cops HATE getting caught on camera breaking laws and it's a great way to PUNISH THEM for being PIGS instead of law enforcement officers. For instance, if you have a DVR that records your cameras (make sure you have audio too) you upload your footage every day to an offsite location. There are scores of data storage places out there for cheap money too. Your DVR needs to be in a secure, HIDDEN location as well so they cannot find it easily. Another great tactic to use is dummy cameras and hidden actual ones. When they think they have destroyed or disabled your cameras you catch them on tape doing just that with the covert cameras. Smoke detector cameras, Motion sensors, all are available now and they work awesome. Make sure you have battery backup for all your systems and hard shield your network feeds into your location. Use GOOD encryption software on your computers with an ultra-strong key as well. Something along the lines of PGP with a 64 digit key is a good start. Anyone needs more info I will post up a tutorial for all to see.

My feeds UPLOAD to my other friends’ locations and theirs upload to mine. It does take some bandwidth but is well worth it. With cross coverage between multiple locations we have the PIGS by the short hairs if they even dare break one law. Knowledge of technology is POWER... but only if you use it correctly! Stay safe out there!
It sounds like a good idea in theory. Imagine all the toes you step on when johnny gets busted for not going by the books. Think he will just forget about the guy who busted him on camera? His pension is gone and his life is ruined now...

It would be cool to have your MMJ Patient Network Set up where the members have signs like adt. That way the pigs know you are not easy money. Or at least business cards you can hand the pigs. It could be similar to the cards public pretends hand out to their victims. The card says you do not permit a warrant-less search etc.