Just harvested, smells weird

The Red

Active Member
I don't think it's mold, as I dried it until the stems could snap and the buds were crisp to the touch. It smelled very lemony before a chopped and as it dried it started to smell kinda like vegetables or something. Any idea what this is?


Unless you dried to fast and it smell like hay, the smell will really appears during the curing process....drying is only one part of the process! have a look at some harvest sticky to get the break down on the right way to get a good smoke, it worked for me ;-)
good luck

match box

Well-Known Member
Even when the buds are dry out side there is still moister inside. If you put it in jars and open them every day the smell may change.


Active Member
I wouldnt stress it. You prob jst harvested a lil early. I always harvest early. I prefer the stone i get from early weed.

Mine always smells like wet grass but after its dried and sat for a few days the sweet skunky smell always returns.