Just Harvested and the Buds Fill Dry

just harvested and the buds feel dry after trimming all the leaves off..so should skip the drying process and just cure it until it feel moist again and how long should i keep doin this till i cure it for a month:confused::confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
He already cut it down to buds so I dont think that matters now.
Its hard to say just how dry it is over the internet but I found a good way to tell. Roll up a doobie out of the fattest bud ya got and see how it burns.
If it burns evenly its dry. wont taste that good but its a good way to tell if its time for jars.

If it doesn't burn evenly but feels dry put it in paper bags for a couple days and try again.
naw i didnt cut into buds yet they are still on the stems..let sit in the jars for bout 30 min and moisture cum bac to it


Well-Known Member
My bad, Sounded like you did.
Well, there ya go, hang them again for a couple more days and when you get a snap try rolling one and see how it burns.


Well-Known Member
if he waits until the middle inner stems snap into two pieces (snap in half)... he's waited too long and the cure won't take place.

once again people.. you have to have adequate moisture content left in the product after air-drying it.. in order for the curing process to take place.. and in order for the product to benefit from the cure.

No moisture means no cure... no cure usually means a nasty tasting smelling product because most of the chlorophyll is still left behind in the product. Which we all know Chlorophyll is responsible for giving the product its green color. Not only its color.. but the Chlorophyll is also responsible for giving the product that nasty 'hay' smell and taste.. so the more Chlorophyll you have left behind.. the worse its going to smell/taste/look.

But, if you start curing while there is adequate moisture left in the product.. then the cure will take place and you'll be able to get most of the Chlorophyll out of the product. This takes time too btw.. generally speaking, I've found that if I cure for at LEAST 3 weeks.. the product tastes pretty damn good.. but the longer the cure goes.. the better your final product will taste. Why? Simple.. the longer the cure lasts (the longer you cure the product) the more Chlorophyll gets evaporated.. and the starches and sugars get converted into the desirable starches and sugars which also contribute to the products final taste and smell.

just wanted to give my 2 cents worth. ;)



Well-Known Member
stupidity has been overwhelming this site lately.

Ahmen my man.. Ahmen!

glad to see I'm not the only one noticing this take place.. ;)

ah, your from the East Coast too eh? Good to know I'm not the only Yankee around here.. :P



Well-Known Member
OK, I agree with you in regards to having a little moisture in them for a proper cure. When I said stems snap, I wasn't clear, just that you get a snap and it doesn't fold. I do know what I am talking about, Lets just say I bet I have had more experience then you. But for somebody to call another stupid because they have the knowledge the other person doesn't, well that isn't cool. For someone to applaud them, well that is not only childish but pompous. Must be an east coast thing.

My 2 cents.


Active Member
So when plant is cut and all are on stems the way is to leave leafs on. When dry then trim. Then to individual buds which then would go to the jar for at least three weeks. Try that