Just grown my first plant.


Hi all just getting to the end of growing my first ever plant, just wondered if there any tips for harvest best way as i have seen a few eg 3 days of dark and water etc, and then what can i do with the trim instead of throwing it away ive seen comments about pipe with gauze and lighter gas or butane and then to drying it is a dark airing cupboard best or a dark shed, any help much appriciated.


Well-Known Member
Most all the rumors about pre-harvesting are bogus. It is obvious that anyone who has ever trimmed a lot of pot
does not want a droopy water-starved plant. That is stupid. Water generously 12 hours before harvest.

Don't hang the plant or big branches or anything. You want drying to begin the moment you finish harvesting. Leaving
the buds on the branches allows moisture from the larger branch to "even out" by spreading water to the buds. That's
also why you try to do all your trimming as you first harvest. Avoid removing large colas and coming back later to trim them.
The extra time wilts the leaves you want to remove and they sit right on the buds, harder to get to. eh?

That's drying. Curing is more complicated and more important. Mess up drying and you get crispy bud. Mess up curing and you
get moldy bud. Curing is the process of finish drying and moisture control. When drying and the product is 90% dry put it into
a sealed glass jar and 'fridge it for a day. Being airtight and chilled makes whatever moisture still in the (larger) buds to flow to the smaller
nugs. If you don't level moisture level you will end up with crispy small buds and wetter big buds. After a day in the 'fridge open
the jar and check. It will feel moister but that is geting uniform throughout the product. The opening of the jar is called burping. I
'fridge for a day, check, leave jar open overnight to dry a bit more, 'fridge, burp, 'fridge, burp until I'm happy.

Chop up the close trim pretty fine (after drying), put in a Tupperware something and stor in the 'fridge. Add to it over time and by the time you have a lot
you will be on to hash making. Talk to you again then.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
"When you leave the jar open overnight are you leaving it in the fridge?"

NO!!! Unopened in the 'fridge leaves you open to some weird smelling pot. You would end up with
Salami Haze or Ravioli Ryder. Unless totally crispy bud will soak up odors from the 'fridge. When
you leave the jar open to dry some more I put it in a seldom-used corner away from sources of odor --
trash cans, litter boxes laundry basket, etc. But especially food.

Once you get drying/curing down write back and we can discuss giving your product an artificial smell.



Well-Known Member
"When you leave the jar open overnight are you leaving it in the fridge?"

NO!!! Unopened in the 'fridge leaves you open to some weird smelling pot. You would end up with
Salami Haze or Ravioli Ryder. Unless totally crispy bud will soak up odors from the 'fridge. When
you leave the jar open to dry some more I put it in a seldom-used corner away from sources of odor --
trash cans, litter boxes laundry basket, etc. But especially food.

Once you get drying/curing down write back and we can discuss giving your product an artificial smell.

haha i wanna get me some ravioli ryder


Active Member
big steve talks shit, if u water generously in 12 hrs upto harvest u open ursel to longer drying times= higher chance of mould, harvest the day u would water without watering. Harvest after a dark period as its stated many places that it helps thc, dry in dark well ventilated room. And trim will make hash but save it up like big steve said as u dnt just want 1 spliff of it.


Active Member
"Once you get drying/curing down write back and we can discuss giving your product an artificial smell. big steve " WTF he must grow some shit weed, artificial smell :s grow better strains with nicer smells, or learn to grow better.


Well-Known Member
"grow better strains with nicer smells, or learn to grow better."

Some people cannot handle certain strains because of the smell. My cousin gagged on some really potent sour diesel.
So I put a small cup of unsweetened orange drink next to a jar of sour diesel I had left out so it would get crispy.
Crispy bud will absorb other smells in a minute. With the orange stuff and the SD together I put both of them in a large
mixing bowl with a cover. After 12 hours the crispy bud had re-hydrated (look it up bigbudahluva) and absorbed
enough of the orange extract to mask the diesel smell. If helping someone smoke a great product is a reason to learn
to grow better I guess I better get back to one of my 3 grow rooms and start learning.

There are a lots of legitimate reasons for wanting to give product another smell. How about avoiding drug-sniffing dogs?
How about masking the smell to smoke undetected? Just because you are not familiar with all the tools of the trade
bigbud..., doesn't mean you should send snarky emails. Remember what mom said about thinking and counting to 10
before you hit the send button?

Is that a whiff of smoke in the air?


Active Member
lmfao, alright for sniffer dogs having un smelly weed is a poor excuse. For someone u know who cant smoke strong smell/flavour strains wtf u giving them sour diesel for. I hate the idea of rehydrating weed, like 1 step forward and two back, if u were really aiming for 0 smell/flavour a water cure would get u that. I notice u didnt argue when i objected to watering a plant generously in last 12 hrs till harvest. We are here to learn and share knolledge so i wont be rude, u have been a member of rollitup longer than ive been growing so u must know some good advise, i popped as ur comments were and are incorrect. Peace tho


Well-Known Member
"When you leave the jar open overnight are you leaving it in the fridge?"

NO!!! Unopened in the 'fridge leaves you open to some weird smelling pot. You would end up with
Salami Haze or Ravioli Ryder. Unless totally crispy bud will soak up odors from the 'fridge. When
you leave the jar open to dry some more I put it in a seldom-used corner away from sources of odor --
trash cans, litter boxes laundry basket, etc. But especially food.

Once you get drying/curing down write back and we can discuss giving your product an artificial smell.

AMEN on the smell. Friend gave my now ex-old lady a load of home grown elephant garlic. Crap that weed tasted like crap. If it had tasted like garlic even it might have been alright. Glad when that bag was gone. Both were in the fridge (why in hell she put garlic in the fridge is beyond me but she was too so . . ..). No to pot in the fridge in most cases.



sorry for late pics couldnt find the lead to my camera, i took a cutting and quick dried it for a test and omg absolutely smashed me, so over the last few days been doing a few branches a day, now i have a few bags full of trim what can i do with them.
