Just got some Blueberry *pictures*


Well-Known Member
7 grams for 150

thats 22 dollars a gram and I bought a quarter.


The smoke is pretty harsh :spew:

the taste is like blueberry air freshener though...like with the chemically taste of air freshener and all.
well ur sayin its harsh smoke and tastes blueberry but fake blueberry then u may have been riped off on other hand if its really good high then maybe but eh..


Well-Known Member
dude you know there is such ting as weed spray?
where you spray the weed with flavored shit so then the fake generic weed tastes like shit and weighs a lil more

you mighta been ripped off


Well-Known Member
truthfully i have never seen blueberry that looked like THAT
usually when i get blueberry it doesnt look like mud...
i mean it looks like dank but i doubt its the real blueberry and i have def smoked better shit than that.... white widow is the queen


Well-Known Member
yes bro...it does.

although i know it is bricked so that may be the reason......

it just doesnt look up to your standards bro


Well-Known Member
Looks like some home grown bag seed. I wouldnt have bought it but im picky doesnt even look like it was flushed before harvest or cured right. Or both even. For $120 you should have got a blow job with it. But if you like it and like paying $120+ for it im sure the guy would love to sell you some more.


Well-Known Member
too many chemicals.....wasnt grown properly...probably not even cured properly

manicuring seems to be mediocre