just got out of surgery


Well-Known Member
Just had a bursa removed from my knee about an hour ago, and just got back home. God damn am I ready for this bowl pack!

Painkillers (blahh, hate em) and chill mode for the next few days. Anyone got some good movies to download or any ideas for things to do while lamping out?


Well-Known Member
yeah watch growing op, the one about the family in the nice hood growing weed. o humb olt county. the yellow submarine, go on you tube and type in chris haffey sick skater.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Oooooo, that's gonna hurt.

Got hit by a drunk driver and had to have knee surgery. I wouldn't want to be you right about.... now.


Well-Known Member
So far it doesn't hurt at all WWoman. Had it done at 730am and its not 3pm and Ive only eaten 5mg of codeine... not too bad at all if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
hope u get better downlad last king of scotland great movie if u havent seen it and walker payne if u can find it


Ahhh hope you recover soon. Anyway, try rewatching pulp fiction (if you've already watched it) lol. Takes me back every single time. Pirates of Silicon Valley.. Mogul is also a good movie.. Ocean's 11, 12, 13... the all-time fav LOTR trilogy.


Well-Known Member
Definitely gonna rewatch Pulp Fiction. I started the Angry Boys season one.... Holy his is that hilarious! And what's Pirates of Silicon Valley? Sounds like something I'd like

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...The Corporation. Wow, that one...sheesh... It might piss you off enough to get better faster :)



Well-Known Member
Growing Ops was fucking awesome! Just finished it and it's got me pumped hahah. That Alaskan Thunder Fuck at the end was huge.

Now I just can't wait for the morning so I can finally SHOWER! I feel gross after two days.


Ah... pirates of silicon valley... a broad story-telling of what happened between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs... How both founded each of their respective companies - Microsoft and Apple. How Bill Gates and Steve Jobs get to work together. How their "feud" started. Also gives you a slight perspective on other players in the computer industry of the late 70's-early 80's - IBM, HP, Xerox. Although some parts were romanticized, the movie takes a neutral stand. It doesn't portray Steve as the protagonist and Bill as the villain or the other way around. All in all, I think it's better than the Social Network.

Oh yeah, have you watched Burn After Reading? I bet you have... go watch it again lol. Just tell me if you're having problems downloading movies - you know, ISP sniffing and stuff. I can definitely help with that.


Hahaha pulp fiction... I wanted to order Jules' wallet, the one that says BAD MOTHER******. Found a webstore dedicated solely to that lol


Nasty.... how many stitches did you get for that? I hate to imagine what you feel when getting up in the morning and taking your first steps to the bathroom. By the way, have you ever visited straightdope.com? They an archive of articles on just about anything... more precisely, the daily questions that people often wonder about. Fun to read. Might get you through the day when you get bored (I'm looking at around 10 days more lol).


Well-Known Member
Im not sure how many stitches I had. The exterior ones we're dissolve able, and when I went to get my other one removed I almost fainted. I get really queezy.

But it's been a week and 2 days now, and I actually caught myself jogging today, not on purpose which was good. And the doc said everything looks good. I have a pic of the scar itself but no need for that.