Just thought i would post on here, since im sure people who have been jacked will come accross this.
I got jacked less than a week ago. half a pound.
my own fault, let my guard down,
first time buy, (experianced theif) i fell for every word.. the reason why he wouldnt park in the gated are i chose.. .. i didnt realise the car was still running when i got in (gettin gin his car was the first mistake)
let my guard down and i got a blade pulled on me. had to let it go, wasnt prepaid for that shit.
did some research and i now know his kids names, his address. who he lives with.
I dont do beat downs. to easy. and they come back to haunt you.
plan was to go round, gas the fucker. brake all his fingers, maybe even take a toe for my trouble. that shit scares a guy. anyone can beat someone up. they know you mean business when you take part of them home with you.
but i didnt do it... and i havnt.
you cant say for sure that even after that he wouldnt want to kill me and my family. and for what. 8 ounces.
he knows my area, if hes smart (which they never are) he could wait for me, or my girlfriend. etc...
my advice. let it go. (for now)
if you ever move out of the city or state in your case... pay someone to go give him a visit. that way if it comes back to you, your long gone.
so you lose some pride. you sure as hell wont let it happen again. i know i wont. take it on the chin and if you do ever move then go for it. its only money at the end of the day. you get another shot in 3 months right.
oh and im moving within the year.
it makes me happy that when his time comes, he will have forgot about me and he will have been thinking he's the man.
the only thing i did do.... as soon as he drove off. i sent a friendly message. "i put my trust in you, enjoy it. things always come good

i was going to send a letter to his house and all it would say is "=)" just so he knew that i found him.
but it fells good to know he doesnt know.
sorry im talking too much, im high.
peace. stay safe. (and smart). they want to buy from you, they do it on your terms. no harm in planning it well. just incase.