Just got done first water

Okay now I could've done this wrong but I don't think I over watered, I have sproutlings or seedlings or whatever you'd like to call them they're new plants. They're a little taller with small leaves and my pots aren't too big there actually rather small for now I'd say about 5 gal? I used about 1 gallon of water over 9 pots, I thoroughly soaked and I checked a couple of plants when I stuck my finger in it was wet about 2 1/2-3 inches down.

If that's not watered enough it's okay, the soil I got tends to be a little heavier(scotts), so i mixed some vermiculite in with it. I'm not sure if I mixed enough in, but seriously I just put my plants in the sun and the sun just rose and the sun sets and hits this spot so they need a lot of water.

Knowing the factors do you think what I did sounds okay, more water, less water?

Any other tips and pointers I should know, oh also I was going to use a mix of tap and distilled water, is this good? I just used distilled this time, but I used tap before can this shock the plants or be bad?

Always open to taking advice, I do read stuff but how can I be sure unless someone is saying yea, you got it.

Thanks everyone


New Member
hey I am new also but it sounds like your soil is not draining good enough and you are not using enough water, you want to make everything thouroughly moist but no so wet that air can get thru and let it drain really good, you need good draining soil, they will be fine for awhile but maybe transplant into some new soil if it dont start draining better

The Snowman

Active Member
if you use tap water, make sure it sits for 24 hours before you use it. all the chlorine needs to evaporate from it.
if you use tap water, make sure it sits for 24 hours before you use it. all the chlorine needs to evaporate from it.

To the first poster, how can it sound like my soil isn't draining well I never told you how it drains lol? I just said that my soil is heavy and doesn't drain but that I put vermiculite in it to help it drain.

To this right here, I did switch to a distilled water but IMO it really depends on the quality of your water treatment facility. I checked in with mine and I think the one by where I live is very good they use no Fluoride and I thinking the Chlorine levels are very low. I think the water is much better than the average tap water and i used it for my seeds and sproutlings and it's been doing wonders for my turtle all these years. He has 9 heads, so it must be good(I'm kidding) but seriously this tap water is the shit.