Just found plant need help!

Maat Aatack

Well-Known Member
I didn't know you lost one....If someone else lost it....I wouldn't take it home with me then!

On the other hand, didn't you notice all the NSA/DEA listening & video devices trained on it......They got your # now ...... "Honestly officer,,,IT followed ME home"......."I didn't touch her!" "She threw herself on ME!"
Yep- now they're watching.


Well-Known Member
First that is a field or open area, not a forest.
Second, if you don't own the land don't touch it.
Last but most important, look at what you're doing. You are stomping down the growth around that plant. It will stick out now.

If you do own the land and want to keep it bury at least 10-15 of water line with a drip ring. When you go back you don't have to stomp the growth down. Also when guerilla growing, never take the same route twice to you plants. Walk animal trails when possible. Don't draw attention to it.