Just found out my older sister has cervical cancer. :|

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry I didn't respond earlier, I haven't been on much.I'm sorry to hear about your sister, and I hope she pulls through.They say that most cervical cancer is caused by some strains of the hpv virus...I've been considering getting my girls vaccinated when they're old enough. Has your sister considered a hysterectomy, or is that not an option for her?They can leave the ovaries behind if they're healthy,to keep hormone levels normal.
As for food, just try stuff that's dense and packed with nutrition, like body builder bars and shakes.That way, even if she can't keep it down all the time,she's at least more likely to absorb some nutrients. I'll be sending positive thoughts your way.Good luck.
hey everyone...

I know this is kinda off topic for the forums.. but I just found out two weeks ago that my older sister has been diagnosed with cervical cancer.

She's just started her chemo and radiation treatments this past Thursday. Her schedule for radiation is 5 days a week Monday - Friday.. and her chemo treatments are once a week (low dosage).

They think they caught in time before it could really spread and really cause damage..

but anyway.. has anyone here actually had or currently have cancer?? and been through chemo/radiation treatments?

Nothing sounds good for her to eat right now.. and my parents (yeah we're young kinda.. I'm 28 years old today [my bday] and my sister is 30 she'll be 31 July 3rd.

So.. anyone?? Just wondering... if someones been through the treatments.. and if so.. what did/could you eat? Trying to help my sister here... so that she doesn't lose too much weight you know? I mean she's a naturally small and petite girl too though...

sorry if this wasn't allowed here.. in the forums. I uh was just trying to get some ideas maybe.. that's all. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
wow... ;-) I really am blown away at how many of you on here.. who don't even know me.. are wishing my family and I the best..

which is great. It's humbling to know that friendly people still exist out there.. somewhere. You know?

So, I throw out a big Thanks to all of you for your support and everything else.

I wish the best for all of you as well.. :)

:peace: to the world.


Well-Known Member
again.. a HUGE fucking thanks to everyone that has come up and said something in support of my sister and family.

like i said.. it makes me feel SO much better and more relaxed to know that there are still good people in this world.

Thanks everyone.. Appreciate it.

Peace to all of you and your family as well.

Peace.. :)


Well-Known Member
Don't you wish the whole world was full of love just like this thread is? It would be as if we all were one big unit/family.
I hope your sister is doing well and all is good on the home-front.
