just fought my onw dad!


Well-Known Member
We are a product of our genetics and our conditioning.

Just because we may have been born with decent genes, doesn't mean we haven't been conditioned to be a piece of shit.

Just because we may have been born with shitty genes, doesn't mean we've been conditioned to be a piece of shit.

You are your own man, regardless of your genetics, and just because you happen to share those genes with a mother and father, doesn't mean you owe them anything other than what they EARN.

Best to you and yours, regardless.


Well-Known Member
putting kush back on ignore/block now... I'm 25 miles away from Fairfax right now and theres nothing on the local news or the internet to agree with his story. Some of you may remember his involvment in the "mdma addiction" trolling last month.


New Member
I'm pretty sure he's not with us anymore man. Almost 90%. I live in Fairfax and there was a death today at 5am a few blocks away from mine. I walked past the house and there was tons of cruisers and det. over there. I asked a neighbor what was going on after being rejected by the dickhead sheriff and they said that it 'could' be a suicide.
After seeing this guy's nonsense in his newest thread in the Toke N Talk I really can't blame anyone for wanting to give this guy a nice round house kick to the face. Obvious troll.


New Member
But Berg it does sound like you have some serious serious mental health problems dude, and a bad drug addiction. Take care of yourself is the only advice I can really offer. It seems that others care more about yourself more than you do.
Just my 0.02


Well-Known Member
Perhaps I'm cut outta a different cloth,but eating molly all the time is not an addiction...its fun!(well,used to be before it stopped working for me).
Hell be ok...there's def some 'want to' in him...I just hope he didn't get arrested..there's onnly one type of 'want to' in jail..'want to get out!'


New Member
Perhaps I'm cut outta a different cloth,but eating molly all the time is not an addiction...its fun!(well,used to be before it stopped working for me).
Hell be ok...there's def some 'want to' in him...I just hope he didn't get arrested..there's onnly one type of 'want to' in jail..'want to get out!'
I don't think MDMA is addicting either. But this guy sounds to have a really addictive personality and I could see where one might feel as if he was addicted.
But I hate to say it but I'm pretty sure, atleast in my eyes, Berg got booked, wouldn't surprise me if the police were called by the old man or nieghbors and they went to his house and took him away on Battery charges. Plus he had that intercepted package so they already had some shit on him. I just really hope that he didn't admit to anything stupid because it seemed he was piss faced drunk.
hope all is well man.


Well-Known Member
just report him for threatening another member. Although id never take a threat from him seriously.... Hopefully he'll get his much deserved ban.


Well-Known Member
Lol..I love it when people blindly threaten people on the net...that guy could be a goldenglove boxer straight outta prison after 20years for cutting his mothers eyes out..lol..the internet is soooo hilarious...tit for tat I bet neither can do a sit up let alone fight..hahahaha...


Well-Known Member
Sorry..the brunt of that remark was for comedic values only..not to hurt...(I'm allways trying to make light of bad situations)...


New Member
It's funny because lately i've been trying to change and become less hood. But I guess you boosies are bring out the bad side of kush... one that u must not see because when i turn bad i'll bring the uzi's out into play RIU I REPEAT THIS IS NOT THREAT....
but dont temp me i have more credit under my belt then any of you midget dwellers out there. I harvested over 2000 plants. If you ask me i'm in the RIU hall of fame bc i'm wearing a championship belt.
I got a 2013 BMW and like 80 gold chains. You guys don't keep it G like me. Straight up . I'm about to import like 20 ak's into the NY pretty soon. so look out for me