Just Finished First Grow!! Any advice?


Well-Known Member
Hi All!

I am new to site, mainly used info on this site and various other guides and found them extremely helpful!!
So I started a small closet grow under cfls, harvested at about 9 weeks after switching to 12/12. I started to get concerned as the leaves were shriveling and dropping fast so I probably harvested a lil early but under pocket microscope (beautiful!) mostly cloudly, maybe 1/3 amberish trikes. Based on the images any recommendations for grow number 2?? I dunno what the strain is, just used some seeds i found in last batch of mids.

Thanks for any input or suggestions and making this info available!


Dank Hands

Active Member
I have never had leaves look healthy at the end of flowering. The plant uses the leaves for energy and they crumble and die. You can pick a couple of the completely dead ones off next time. Definately let it go longer next run, and consider getting a HPS light. You did pretty fucking well for CLFs though.


Well-Known Member
looks good man, you took care of em right, id consider upgrading your setup since you have the skill to grow now =) +rep grasshoppah


How many CFL's did you use? And what position were the bulbs to the plant? These are things i'm struggling with as of now.


Well-Known Member
I used 5 100 watt cfls, I think they are 5700k and 2200k... from home depot. As I got rid of the males I aimed the lights at an angle to get through to the lower nodes. I started with 1 bulb per plant and adjusted as time went on. I am considering adding lighting from the side, or maybe some reflective material. I had the lights on a wooden rectangle that covered my grow area that was height adjustable by rope. Next time I will use chain...prolly a lot easier. Keep them just above the top of the plant as the cfls don't give off much heat.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I guess 100 w equivalent cfls. They were in 18/6 veg for 10 weeks maybe...should have kept a journal, but I went more for the number of nodes then a set number of weeks. I had three ladies going so I switched the light when they all had 5-8 nodes. Two were way bigger than the other...one was a bit of a midget, somehow got stunted.


Active Member
Very nice work. Looks green and healthy... I keep thinking one of those shoes is going to fall on top of them! I have this phobia ever since a inline fan landed on top of one of my girls >_> Good work nevertheless. :)


Advise? How about food for thought?

Kinda hard to tell from the pics how much you pulled off this grow, BUT you used 5 "100w eq." CFLs??? 100 watt eq. (just locate and know the watts, dude) is a 26 watt CFL. That means you did this grow with 130 watts! LOL --You could burn that with a table lamp-- Just think if you put some juice to it on your next grow. Actually, Walmart has a 100 watt CFL on their shelves right now @3860 lumens its a 2700K for $12 something. Anyway, you could run a lot of those 26 watters and get ya a grow going.

And yeah, you harvested too early, costing you some quality--- and likely some weight.


Active Member
im not jorge cervantes but it looks like maybe it stretched a lil. were your cfls nice and close to your babys?


Well-Known Member
Wow thanks for all the feedback... I do have to say I am fairly proud of my little ladies (although always room for improvement!). As you could probably tell by the shoe in the background I didn't have a lot of space in my closet so I used 2 planter boxes that are each 18 X 3' X 2' deep which fitted a lot nicer than a bunch of 5 gallon buckets. The soil I used was nothing special just picked it up at home depot. Actually all my supplies came from home depot should be called "grow depot"...Used the bloom formula miracle grow 2 times a week. It didn't seem like they got root bound, they just grew sideways. I did go the budget route, and now that I see the results I might consider upgrading a couple things for efficiency/productivity