Just F&#@ anything will you?


Well-Known Member
ok ill make it short and straight to the point. I have friends who kan screw anything that walks pass. i was wondering if everyone else sees a problem with this or just me.

ps. I love women, but only the pretty ones.


Active Member
i have a boy like that. especially when he gets drunk... Ive never fucked a girl i wasnt attracted to. i probably wouldnt even be able to get hard, especially if she was overweight (i just dont find it attractive, call me a shallow asshole)... no matter how drunk i get.


Well-Known Member
Less attractive women give WAY better blow jobs. In my experience. Alcohol goes a long way. Except for fat chicks. Eewwww.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I have a friend like that. He's currently fucking this heroine addict chick. I'm like dude really? It's like 80 on average here this time of year and she always wears a hoody bc all the track marks going up her arms. Ewwwww, I can't have quality sex if I'm fucking a chick bc I'm horny as opposed to me really wanting to fuck her brains out. It's weird, ill last like 4 minutes on a chick I don't really like as opposed to like 50 with a woman I like.


Well-Known Member
Thanks to everyone for the clarification and letting me kno in not the only 1.much appreciated to all


New Member
too many tanned up slut's are walking around under educated and way to stimulated .. it's very disturbing to think that they copy all of there favourite star's etc . (talking about most 16-18 year olds) the kinda girls who wear fake tan in winter yeah you know the one's ..

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
too many tanned up slut's are walking around under educated and way to stimulated .. it's very disturbing to think that they copy all of there favourite star's etc . (talking about most 16-18 year olds) the kinda girls who wear fake tan in winter yeah you know the one's ..
You sound like a great dude, but stop checking out 16 year olds. Some of us have kids that age.


New Member
You sound like a great dude, but stop checking out 16 year olds. Some of us have kids that age.

lol i just turned 18, i only mention that because that's all remember from school seeing girls wearing fake tan in the winter lolol .. and im in the uk so no chris hansan shit going on here lol


New Member
but back to the topic , men having relations with many different woman is not a problem in my book so long as you dont judge a girl if she's slept around i hate that whole he's a stud and she's a slut thing ...