just dogs


  • Sit

    Votes: 43 16.6%
  • Fetch

    Votes: 47 18.1%
  • Belly Scratchers

    Votes: 82 31.7%
  • Dog Farts

    Votes: 69 26.6%
  • Leg Humps

    Votes: 28 10.8%
  • Cookie? Good boy..

    Votes: 59 22.8%
  • @Ceasar Milan, Fuck you!

    Votes: 105 40.5%

  • Total voters

Service dogs in training.
My heart goes out to you dealing with the loss of your pups. This was my last rescue. I took this rednose from a crack head I went to school with many years before.He was malnourished and was living the homeless life. Gave him $100 and told him he was my dog now.He was 2 years old and made it to 17.
And my girl now

Dogs are the best.
Cheers :)
A very good Secret Service dog is being honored in UK for stopping a White House intruder in 2014


"An incredibly good dog has been awarded a prestigious prize in Great Britain, the first-ever non-Brit animal to win the honor. Hurricane will receive the award in October at a ceremony in London.

Hurricane, a now-retired Secret Service dog, was awarded the Order of Merit by the British charity Peoples Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA).

The award honors animals that "display outstanding devotion to their owner or wider society, above and beyond normal companionship," according to the PDSA, and is considered the animals' OBE — one of the highest honors that the British royal family can bestow upon an individual.

Hurricane, along with fellow Secret Service dog Jordan, intervened after a man jumped the White House fence in 2014.

Hurricane, a Belgan Malinois, was kicked and thrown around by the intruder, Dominic Adesanya. But Hurricane was able to tackle Adesanya down to let Secret Service agents arrest him. Then-President Obama, who was home during the intrusion, was unharmed. The injuries Hurricane sustained from the attack contributed to his retirement in 2016 from the Secret Service. Hurricane retired at 8, 2 years earlier than the average Secret Service dog.

Hurricane was a "legend" within the Secret Service after the attack, handler Marhsall Mirarchi said.

He received another award (from his human partner) which I'm sure he appreciated more ;) as excerpted from "Secret Service Dogs" by Maria Goodavage

"When they got home that night, Marshall wanted to give Hurricane something extra special. He had never given his canine partner human food before but figured that if ever there was a time to make one small exception to this policy, this was it.

There wasn’t much in the fridge, and the store where he could buy a steak was closed. But he knew a place not too far away that was open 24/7. Hurricane was just settling into his bed when Marshall grabbed the keys to his car.

“C’mon ’Cane! We have one more place to go tonight,” he told him. Hurricane was already at the door. Like his handler, he’s ready for anything anytime, and the sound of the keys meant it wasn’t quite bedtime yet.

Fifteen minutes later, under the glow of golden arches, Hurricane watched closely as Marshall unwrapped two hamburgers.

Marshall had never opened food so close to him before. Hurricane’s eyes seemed to widen, and he stared, riveted — first at the burgers, and then Marshall, back and forth. His expression was a combination of stunned and hopeful.

As Marshall offered him the first burger, Hurricane’s tail burst into a blur of bliss. He wolfed it in two bites. Marshall tore the second burger into a few pieces so Hurricane could taste it this time.

A couple of minutes later, after realizing the feast was over, Hurricane stretched slowly, sighed, and fell asleep for the ride home."

['Caine and Jardan (another USSS dog), received the Award of Valor for the takedown from DHS in 2015] bb
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