Just decided to grow (pics)


Active Member
I'm new here and this is my first shot at growing. It's just a small plant in my closet. I'm growing in miracle grow soil with 2 42 watt CFL's and an intake and exhaust fan. The plant is 22 days old. Any tips/opinions are welcome. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
Lights are too far

CFL's are much stronger on the side of spiral.

That plant is somewhat small for its age.



Well-Known Member
Sunlight is better than any Lightbulb you can find, puts off so much more light and energy, cant even be matched.

If you want, you can just let it be an outdoor plant.


Active Member
I would do that except for I live in a dorm and there isnt anywhere I could grow it safely. So my closet is the best bet lol


Active Member
you live in a dorm... id be carefull of the smell... for like 2 weeks there you could walk in my house and smell that shit with the closet door open all the way on the other side of the house haha


Well-Known Member
ye man be careful i hate when growers get caught especially if they do it for personal use


Well-Known Member
put another cfl in there.

make sure nutriernt, water and pH are all correct.

maybe thatll make it better


Active Member
Thanks for the tips and comments guys. I'll be out of school by the time flowering should start. Does is smell at all during veg?

I'm gonna head over to the chem building tomorrow and get litmus paper so I can get a pH on the soil and water. It should be like 6.5 ideally right?


Well-Known Member
to get rid of smell

put a Ccarbon filter inbetween your plant and extractor fan.

the easiest way to make some is goes to a fish shop and buy some of those carbon rock things you use in a fish tank
and spread them out over the lower half of a disposable dish cloth
fold the top half over and staple all the edges
you should be left with a bag made from dishcloth with carbon rocks

some one's posted that bit before... i just couldnt find it.


Well-Known Member
no problems mate....
i noticed those little whit spots in your soil.
if they're slow release fertilizers like osmocote then stop using them
you want some ORGANIC fertilizer that isn't slow release
because when you need to change fertilizing methods for different stages,
such as flowering or harvesting,
they will still be releasing random shit.


Well-Known Member
pretty good start, you have a better set up than most when they come on here. as someone said the lights chould be closer, you should keep cfls around 3 inches from plants, and you can go closer closer with good ventilation.
if you can get a little more room in there it may be a good idea to start one more plant so you have a better chance of getting a female. carefull with the dorm scene though. good luck with the grow.


and if you want some new soil id recommend fox farm ocean forrest, my plants are lovin it.


New Member
no don't change the soil. Thats either perlite he is referring to or time released nutes. As long as you water yoour plant properly these will not harm your plant at all.
When you tranplant at flowering stage then I would switch to a neutral medium and add nutes seperately.
That stuff was in the soil that I bought, I didnt add it. Should I change it out for new soil?


Well-Known Member
no, i wouldn't change the soil man
if it came in it it won't be too harmful.
but yea... definately dont change it cos your plants still a baby and it might be too much for it to cope.



Active Member
Thanks guys. I moved the lights to about 2 inches. I water it about once every 2 days; whenever the soil starts to dry out. I only wanted one plant just to see if I could grow it. If its a male then thats okay, I am just trying to learn for now. This summer and next year I plan on growing a couple more plants once I get the basics down. Ha its better than paying for the stuff.


Active Member
Moved lights to three inches. In the past 12 hours since that picture was taken I've seen some significant growth. The 4th set of leaves are starting to grow.