Just cut


Active Member
Just cut one of my plants out of two. their names are suzie and Q. Q is the smallest one and the one that i cut. My question is what to do with the leaves that are close to the bud. they have a bunch of thc on them. do i keep them on the the bud or dry them out off the bud. i already cut the fan leaves but don't want to waste the good leaves.


Well-Known Member
You could smoke them. They'll be a little more harsh than bud. Or you can turn them into honey oil using the BHO method. Its easy and cheap to do and the potency is very good.


Well-Known Member
It wont hurt the bud to leave them on.
The bud just looks better trimmed all up.
I leave them on mine.


Active Member
i'm not looking for cleaness. i just looking for good smoke. first grow for me and i think it will be ok.


Well-Known Member
For get about BHO ya may get a 1/4 of a hit. It takes a shit load of weed to do it.
Those little leaves are the shake in a street bag of weed.


Active Member
take a 1 liter aquafina bottle put two holes in the top big enough to fit a butane tip in. fill with bud/trim take 4 cans butane and spray into aqua bottle shaking bottle as you do this so the butane gets all the thc possibe. each time you change butane hold holes on top to prevent from butane escaping, then spray butane out of aquafina bottle onto a plate (dry, no water on plate) placed on top ofa pot etc. full of hot water. the butane will evaporate and youll be left with some very nice honey oil. if anyone has anything to add do so.