Just curious...tomorrows moon!


Well-Known Member
Nice! I went out and was smoking on the patio, and thought the moonbeams were amazing. Its like damn near a full moon. Then i came in and read this thread... Guess im going to roll another and stay up a few more hours. Im West coast, so it should be moontastic!


Well-Known Member
Nice! I went out and was smoking on the patio, and thought the moonbeams were amazing. Its like damn near a full moon. Then i came in and read this thread... Guess im going to roll another and stay up a few more hours. Im West coast, so it should be moontastic!

it's hella nice out right now. think i'll go have a smoke. i love california. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I hate being up past 3... theres nothing on T.V. ... thanks for the llink... pretty cool... hope I will be able to see the moon by them... HAYYYYYYYYYYY wait a minute... it says its starting at almost 6 oclock here... Isnt that daytime?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
I am now ANGRY!!! I should be in cali!!!! growing legal weed!!!... I just got finished smoking a blunt... NOW I want to smoke again! ... sitting for 2 houres watch paid programing is boaring!!!!!!
I should roll up a double long blunt... Right??? someone secont me so I have a reason for doing so...
and GRR and other angry shit man!!! ... all I'm going to see is the moon turn colors. and nothing else it seems... :(


Well-Known Member
  • Viewers on the West Coast will get the best show. For them the entire eclipse will be visible from start to finish before moonset in the early morning hours of Tuesday, August 28, 2007.
  • Hawaiians will be able to see the full eclipse, or totality, around midnight.
  • For viewers on the East Coast and in the Great Lakes States, the eclipse will start around dawn and will still be occurring when the Sun rises and the Moon sets that morning.
  • Finally, across the Mid-West, Plains, and Rocky Mountain States the totality has already ended before the Moon sets and viewers there will only see a partial eclipse as the Moon emerges from the shadow of the Earth.
what does that mean for the east coast???

I probably wont see it anyway because theres too many houses next to me and the moon moves pretty fast... I can see it now but who knows where it will be in 2 houres???? ... an astronomer?


Well-Known Member
  • Viewers on the West Coast will get the best show. For them the entire eclipse will be visible from start to finish before moonset in the early morning hours of Tuesday, August 28, 2007.
  • Hawaiians will be able to see the full eclipse, or totality, around midnight.
  • For viewers on the East Coast and in the Great Lakes States, the eclipse will start around dawn and will still be occurring when the Sun rises and the Moon sets that morning.
  • Finally, across the Mid-West, Plains, and Rocky Mountain States the totality has already ended before the Moon sets and viewers there will only see a partial eclipse as the Moon emerges from the shadow of the Earth.
what does that mean for the east coast???

I probably wont see it anyway because theres too many houses next to me and the moon moves pretty fast... I can see it now but who knows where it will be in 2 houres???? ... an astronomer?

i've stayed up all night more than once only to be disappointed. :cry:


Well-Known Member
This is the moon right now. I know shitty shot. Its really bright and full. The first pic doesnt look full but thats the trees in the way on the bottom.



Well-Known Member
yea... the moon is pretty damn bright tonight...
no encouragement on smoking my double blunt :(


Well-Known Member
I dont know what im gonna do. Even if i get some as early as possible i know im gonna wanna smoke again before now and then. Im gonna have to space it out. I think you should fire that bad boy up. Just dont tell me how good you feel and ill be alright.


Well-Known Member
yea... I'll probably feel pretty crappy afterwards... so... yea... thats what well say... HAy fdd what are you doing not ansering my PM? hating me?