Just curious,a strange thing happened.


Well-Known Member
I have a crop of Samsara Holy Grail 69 going. Here is the thing. 3 weeks into flower,or somewhere about there,my timer went bad,switched it to 24/7 light. Took me a few days to figure it out. Well,I switched back to 12/12. I noticed the buds are really hard and easy 1.5 times bigger than normal. Did I just,by accident,discover a new method? May not be wothwile considering time lost.


Well-Known Member
Still doesn't explain the bigger diameter and length,unless your saying they will finish as scheduled.


Well-Known Member
Even if this extra light cycle DID benefit them...I doubt this method would be effective with all strains. Plants/strains do all different sorts of shits when stressed out. If you think this will work like theis again...do it again then, that way you have something to compare it to


Well-Known Member
Not my intention. I think I lost a week of bloom time as it is. Just was curious if others had the same thing happen.


Well-Known Member
Not my intention. I think I lost a week of bloom time as it is. Just was curious if others had the same thing happen.
ive seen plants start to reveg after 24/7 light for a week when in flower and the buds stretch/open up a lil make sure it wasn't the start of reveg. not sayin it is, just a personal observation when my timer went bust lol
maybe it isn't as you say the buds are rock hard


Well-Known Member
Thanks D. I know you thought I was just experimenting,nope,electrical failure, I don't think it would be worth the time or effort,but,it is a 10 week strain. Maybe could benifit. I would just rather do as I have,decent yeilds,more than I can smoke. I give 1/2 away.


Well-Known Member
Thanks D. I know you thought I was just experimenting,nope,electrical failure, I don't think it would be worth the time or effort,but,it is a 10 week strain. Maybe could benifit. I would just rather do as I have,decent yeilds,more than I can smoke. I give 1/2 away.
No i didnt think you were experimenting;) my timer stuck on stupid once and my lights didnt cut off for 3 days. I freaked..but everything was fine.
Recently my night terror got heat stress during flower and it turned out more stickier this time. Stress can do weird shits. Beneficial one time..not so much the other nawmsayn :D