just broke my bowl


Well-Known Member
.... by shutting a window on it and i used gorilla glue to get it back together, the only thing is i got a bit of glue in the bowl, is it alright to smoke? i tried to wash most of it away and it seemed to work so i should be alright..


Well-Known Member
Hate to break it to you, but I wouldn't smoke out of that bowl anymore. You might have to throw it away/bury it/whatever... it's sad, yes, but it does happen.


Well-Known Member
you shut a window on it and it broke? you need better quality glass.

and don't smoke out of gorilla glue


Well-Known Member
aw well, if its any consolation, i broke my first glass piece like a week after i bought it, had a little carb on it and everything.



Well-Known Member
hmm ok, well I was able to peel all of the glue off from inside the bowl, now there is only a little bit in the stem, where the flame dosent even touch


Well-Known Member
Dude, you're talking about a slide? Or a spoon? In either case it would be better to just go buy a new one. Slides are like, 6 bucks. A spoon could be around $15 though.


Well-Known Member
hmm ok, well I was able to peel all of the glue off from inside the bowl, now there is only a little bit in the stem, where the flame dosent even touch
really doesn't matter what the flame doesn't touch.

check this shit

if it touches any glass whatsoever, the glass is going to transfer heat to the glue. the glue will then vaporize and you will be left with your weed + toxic chemicals . . .


Well-Known Member
Dude, you're talking about a slide? Or a spoon? In either case it would be better to just go buy a new one. Slides are like, 6 bucks. A spoon could be around $15 though.
mine are 35 with free shipping. but they are made by "fdd" so, ................. :clap::hump:

you all know you want one. IMG_2059.jpg


Well-Known Member
that last one in the first row looks like you put some skill into that.

sick fdd, just fuckin sick. I might buy from you in the future haha. when your skills are even crazier.


Well-Known Member
that last one in the first row looks like you put some skill into that.

sick fdd, just fuckin sick. I might buy from you in the future haha. when your skills are even crazier.
they are still just a little sloppy. with this new torch and my marver pad i should start doing a lot better. :-P


Well-Known Member
yeah i just smoked it, and it gave me a headache. better find out where to get a new one around where i live!