Just bought seeds, have my grow closet set up, now what....


Well-Known Member
No psuedo they are not. Spider they are a very bright white, on the verge of being blue which I think is a good thing.
Thats good that means they are white light, Best fro veg.

Also maybe look on local sites for a used t5 or a new one if you can afford it, I've vegged and flowered under a t5 and although a HPS would have given me denser buds i still got higher than i ever have with my homegrown.

Good luck. In this hobby, You get what you give. Remember that.


Active Member
My dad has all those T5's and special lights due to the fact that he has coral reef tanks, so I might be able to get one for free if he isn't using it!
Thanks for the help guys:leaf: