Just bought "BUD CANDY" made by advanced nutrients, anyone try it?

Use molasses! Same stuff with out the cool colors and name ...


I have tried molasses back when when I was a rookie. BC works way way better. This stuff does something to help unlock the plants ability to absorb nutes. Seriously... I was totally suprised by the results.

Although, I will bet that one persons results will differ from another. My nute regimen is totally dif from yours and someone elses. Adding BC to one formula may do wonders (like with mine) but adding it to someone else's (so-so) nute formula might do nothing or even harm.

You have to keep good notes... an accurate journal and dont make a bunch of changes all at the same time. If you do, then you won't really know which item did what. Make only one change at a time per crop. It takes a lot of time an patience to really find out what works and what doesn't.

If I can remember... I will post pics when my next harvest comes thru. I wll show the dif between using BC and not using BC. (in about 5 weeks)

Happy trails.

I have tried molasses back when when I was a rookie. BC works way way better. This stuff does something to help unlock the plants ability to absorb nutes. Seriously... I was totally suprised by the results.

Although, I will bet that one persons results will differ from another. My nute regimen is totally dif from yours and someone elses. Adding BC to one formula may do wonders (like with mine) but adding it to someone else's (so-so) nute formula might do nothing or even harm.

You have to keep good notes... an accurate journal and dont make a bunch of changes all at the same time. If you do, then you won't really know which item did what. Make only one change at a time per crop. It takes a lot of time an patience to really find out what works and what doesn't.

If I can remember... I will post pics when my next harvest comes thru. I wll show the dif between using BC and not using BC. (in about 5 weeks)

Happy trails.

Gotta say, you covered everything I was going to say.

I think a lot of people who are using molasses are a little too tree-huggy for me, I have to say. I totally get wanting to use all natural things, but really, where would you find molasses just hanging out in nature? Oh, you don't. :roll:


I mean, we have all of this awesome technology and scientific research, why the heck not take advantage of it?

Nute companies like Advanced Nutrients really take the time to study their products, looking at how the plants react to certain chemicals, how they don't respond to others, etc.

Bud Candy, for my money, is one of the best products from Advanced Nutrients. The change in the taste of the smoke is amazing and you really do get more at the end of your grow. That's what matters to me.

In the old days of growing (yup, it's been that long), I used molasses too. I was broke and I just wanted to use something that I could find at a store that wouldn't give me crap for buying stuff for growing. It served its purpose - but it also made a mess of my hydro setup and caused many more pest problems than I ever thought were possible.

Long story short (too late), you need to use stuff made for MJ. And since Advanced Nutrients makes their products specifically for MMJ, seems like they're the best choice - in my opinion.

Bud candy is the shit man!!!!I would never go without it.......Runs cleaner in the rez than any other sweetener i have used and produced some tasty nugs.......Peace
got to love these $30-$40 bottles of molasses

72 different sugars and elements.......Have you tried it? Oh yeah...... ever try running molasses in your rez?........have fun getting the clogs out of ur lines and cleaning the shit outta everything.....Bud candy runs clean as a whistle....this ain't 1975
72 different sugars and elements.......Have you tried it? Oh yeah...... ever try running molasses in your rez?........have fun getting the clogs out of ur lines and cleaning the shit outta everything.....Bud candy runs clean as a whistle....this ain't 1975
nope..its the year of clever marketing and sappy consumers.and yes i tried it,was supplied some free of cost...and too be honest i get better results with my $20 worth of jacks classic that has lasted me almost 2 years
nope..its the year of clever marketing and sappy consumers.and yes i tried it,was supplied some free of cost...and too be honest i get better results with my $20 worth of jacks classic that has lasted me almost 2 years

You obviously are a soil grower.....try throwing jack's classic in hydro with it's slow releasing nutrients made for soil....not gonna work......I like plant specific nutes anyhow which Jack's is not......You probably grow great herb but there are many other factors to consider when growing hydroponically and every little change matters. I love growing in dirt but it is very different......My patients physically tasted a better product when I used Bud Candy and that's what counts for me......Peace
You obviously are a soil grower.....try throwing jack's classic in hydro with it's slow releasing nutrients made for soil....not gonna work......I like plant specific nutes anyhow which Jack's is not......You probably grow great herb but there are many other factors to consider when growing hydroponically and every little change matters. I love growing in dirt but it is very different......My patients physically tasted a better product when I used Bud Candy and that's what counts for me......Peace
actually for the small time that i grew in a dwc setup i used jacks and it worked just fine...just made sure to mix it with luke warm water and let is sit for a day or so with a air pump ran to it before putting it in my res.could not find anyone that had used it in a dwc system...thought id try it out and it worked great.ended up getting 2.4 ounces off one plant in a 1.5 gallon res.and that works because as with any chemical nute it does not have to naturally break down before its available for uptake to the plants...unlike organic nutes..or anything packed full of sugars and starches....jacks is instantly available for uptake by the plants
actually for the small time that i grew in a dwc setup i used jacks and it worked just fine...just made sure to mix it with luke warm water and let is sit for a day or so with a air pump ran to it before putting it in my res.could not find anyone that had used it in a dwc system...thought id try it out and it worked great.ended up getting 2.4 ounces off one plant in a 1.5 gallon res.and that works because as with any chemical nute it does not have to naturally break down before its available for uptake to the plants...unlike organic nutes..or anything packed full of sugars and starches....jacks is instantly available for uptake by the plants

Well...that may have worked for you but seems a bit sketchy to me and I don't have the time to do extra procedures to make it work....House & Garden's base nutes are some of the cheapest and cleanest running base nutes so that's what I use.......I would rather pay more for consistency.....2.4 oz on a plant is descent, but nothing to brag about.....The point of this thread, however, is Bud candy and it works great compared to all the other sweeteners I have tried....Brings out the natural flavors of the herb and works well with H&G's Bud xl which is an enzyme that helps transport these sugars into the buds...A great combo....The other sweeteners seem to make all the herb taste the same....like berries..... But .....That's the beauty of it....Create your own recipe and make your herb unique.....Peace
what up all im just getting into the med bud ?? i have a plant that about 4 feet it look's good the leaf's look good but the center on the smaller growth's yellow .... be gental just started here any tip's would be great!! im a fucking up buy use just water !! and a 150 old school fluorescent 3 feet bulb??
Bid candys the shit, and who ever said it makes your buds taste like cotton candy is wrong. The purpose of the bid candy is to sweeten or enhance the flavor already given off by the strain. I think sweet citrus or that other one also will help promote a different taste I believe. But I've never used those products.
I used bud candy, it made everything taste and smell like bud candy, I went to sweet raw and got the smell and taste of the strain I am growing. I am now using strapped as it is for soil growers to replace sweet.
bud candy 1 gallon costs= around $60
sweet raw 1 gallon around $35
strapped 1 gallon,$12,you do the math.
Lol, when it comes to superior products one over the other. Ive done enough side by side trials to know that's my money's being spent well. Especially when my bud is coming our fruiter then ever, no hint of bud candy or cotton candy.
snow storm
will provide you with fat densed resined buds :)

i personally use snow storm ultra rather then bud candy :) give it a try