Just Bought A New Bong - I Need A New Downstem


Well-Known Member
What up RIU members,

My bong I ordered just arrived, its a 14.5" 2x 4-arm perc with an ash-catcher bowl.

You can rip the hell out of it and it's so smooth, but the basic diffused downstem with the slits in the side and hole at the end doesn't cut it how I like to smoke the bowl.

So I need to know what downstem would work best for my tube tree perc bong. A sovereignty 180 degree grided, an Alex K showerhead, or a Leisure 6-arm.

Thanks for your input,


Well-Known Member
The perc in your bong should have a limited role in your decision of what stem you choose. What it comes down to is if you want to increase or decrease the drag/pull on your bong. I haven't hit the SG or Leisure stems but I have an Alex K and it can make the hit somewhat "airy". I abstained from buying the Leisure because people have told me that unless you have the bong resting on a flat surface it is unlikely that all of the 6-arms will fire. SG makes great pieces so if I had to choose between my Alex K and the SG I would probably go with the SG. It looks like a nice stem.