Just bought a bubbler 8 pods?????help


Well-Known Member
Im thinking about using the bubbler i bought now i havent use it because when i did my plants use to turn yellow and never grow at all properly i guess this is because the water needs nutrients and stuff right!!.....so i got some money im on ebay right now im looking for some nutrients to buy what should i get to grow my plant in veggie mode and what do i use for a bloomer to get big buds.....i will also need a ph pen am i right!!!....thanks for readin let me no what i need to get some nice trees


Well-Known Member
if i get the general hydroponics 3 part flora series will someone help me add what i need into the water and do i need a ph pen...can someone tell me what i need for general hydroponics 3 part flora series...thanks much help

Optimus Primo

Active Member
You need to be able to read the Ph. Make sure the gadget is for water and not soil. Yellow leaves to me means not enough nitrogen (first ratio). But before that usually not enough air to roots or overwatering. Since this is in water make sure you have the bubbler going strong before increasing nutes and usually go a little lighter on the nutes till you understand what the strain needs ppm wise.

bubbles, nutes, ph meter, ppm digital meter, camera - great to go back and see where she was thriving


Well-Known Member
will this be easy for me i need a ph pen and how will i not over feed when the bubbler is on all day long...? it must be kept on all day long so how will i not get it to stop feeding if i over water it???

Optimus Primo

Active Member
If you are using a bucket of water (DWC), leave the air stone on all the time. This will provide air to the roots (more the better) and stir the water solution. Usually you will use nutes at half strength. Super simplistic. Check PH once to twice a day. If it keeps going up when you bring it down, change water. Probably every four days or so. Digital PH pen is a better tester but you might want to get the manual one so you can invest in the ppm pen. Even better if you can find one that does both.

If you are using a top feed system where the roots are in lava pebbles and it gets top fed then the roots already get plenty of oxygen. The plant won't over feed if the nute solution isn't to strong.


Active Member
i have just been stayin with the general 321 222 123 mixes. i have been nervous to raise to see how mcuh my plants can take n thrvie since i dont no what this would cause problem wise. and are you sure you can over water in a dwc set up. i thought you cant cuz it takes it all in as it needs it one of the beauties of dwc . is that incorrect?

Optimus Primo

Active Member
i have just been stayin with the general 321 222 123 mixes. i have been nervous to raise to see how mcuh my plants can take n thrvie since i dont no what this would cause problem wise. and are you sure you can over water in a dwc set up. i thought you cant cuz it takes it all in as it needs it one of the beauties of dwc . is that incorrect?
In DWC it can drowned if you don't have sufficient aeration in the water. I can't tell you what the minimum amount is. Just have a lot going.


Active Member
In DWC it can drowned if you don't have sufficient aeration in the water. I can't tell you what the minimum amount is. Just have a lot going.

o yea of course if you dont got bubbles your gunna be hurtin especially if your water is high. but if its real low and your roots are gettin lots of air i wonder if itd deal good just the bottom inch of the roots sittin in water n rest air.

Optimus Primo

Active Member
The plant drops it's toxicity into the water increasing the ph. It's better to have a lot of fresh water. The roots stay whiter in the water a sign of good health. The plant really takes off when the roots hit the water even noticeable when used with a fogger on a big plant.